With the Above activities and Information executed and Provided, we have experienced growth in Social media awareness, Community Members and also awareness for the Near Proctocol Blockchain in Real life and web3. Currently we are working towards an AMA with The Aurora Africa Community scheduled on the 7th December. Flyer below, with Dao Lead @TheTune100 as Speaker.
We are also looking to focus more on content creation of our own Specifically that’s worth promoting to create more awareness OVERALL.
The aim of this Event would be to enlighten the African community on the Nearprotocol Blockchain, Spirityut, Audionfts and related. Were also looking to collaborate in ways with the African Aurora Community. Thanks!
(Updated information)
Above is link to Google drive Ama with AuroraAfrica Community
Brand new ASTRODAO address
(spirityutdao.sputnik-dao.near) , after launching new profile, VERSION 3 profile on AstroDAO.