Smart contract panicked: Parameter id with type String is required but missing

Hi I’m new to NEAR, working on this tutorial Dacade

In this case how can I define a function in this app?
In chapter AssemblyScript 7.3, when I try to add “near call〜”
an error occurred like this;

type: ‘FunctionCallError’,
context: undefined,
index: 0,
kind: {
ExecutionError: ‘Smart contract panicked: Parameter id with type String is required but missing, filename: “~lib/near-sdk-bindgen/index.ts” line: 33 col: 3’
transaction_outcome: {
block_hash: ‘2xJWPRkEuVaZcG1YHEHbqCFhaB97jMQ15yaS2hAs5mfn’,
id: ‘HdtPvLVxAFNSG63yMRKJb9pFKNrNkm5u3CNKX5qibo8j’,
outcome: {
executor_id: ‘dragonrapper.testnet’,
gas_burnt: 2428428557018,
logs: [],
metadata: [Object],
receipt_ids: [Array],
status: [Object],
tokens_burnt: ‘242842855701800000000’
proof: [ [Object], [Object] ]

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Hi there, I would recommend you to head to Near Discord server ( ) . There is a dev support channel and office hours there that can assist you in details.
All the best!

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Hi chi.ha
Thank you for your reply.
I also asked this in NEAR Discord but still not responding :frowning:

Thank you for your patience! Since the dev team is working on schedule for office hours so I believe they will get to you. You can also look at the schedule of the live office hours here to attend: Developer Office Hours - Help, Q&A, and more

Can you share the function you are calling?

near call dragonrapper.dragonrapper.testnet setProduct ‘{“product”: {“id”: “0”, “name”: “BBQ”, “description”: “Grilled chicken and beef served with vegetables and chips.”, “location”: “Berlin, Germany”, “price”: “1000000000000000000000000”, “image”: “”}}’ --accountId=dragonrapper.testnet