Sandbox [November] Reward Claim of [teo#0699]

1- Is it an act or series? series
2- Type of Activity : Translate The entire document of Near documentation into arabic language
3- link of results :slight_smile:
*** First Article :

Translation of the article " How near Went Carbon Neutral " into Arabic language

Twitter link:

Medium link :

*** Second Article :

Translation of the article " near and #Ethereum " into Arabic language

Twitter link:

Medium link :slight_smile:

*** Third article :

Translation of the article " near and #Solana " into Arabic language

Twitter link :

Medium link :

Rewards :

4- Calculate number of words : 1233 + 1367 + 2784 = 5384

5- Reward : 5384*25 / 500 = 269$


I directed you with @sasha the last month:

Please, your work has value, but it will not be useful if it is just on a google doc, it should be reviewed and then upload on


Check this → Translations Spanish November update

The work from this guy @jeph is going to be on learnnear ES →

First it is reviewed by Learnear community, organized here →

This way all your work is going to be useful :v:


Hey, thank you for the translations. Thank you for verifying arabic @abdelillah77
The first two articles can be rewarded in full. The last one “NEAR Protocol and Solana” contains code for 50% of the article, that was not supposed to be translated. The amount of actually translated text is around 1400 words

Recalculation: 1233+1367+1400= 4000
4000/500 * 25= 200 USD (23 N) → Total reward

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