Sandbox [January 2022] Reclaim Reward of [SAMUEL NAVAS#2392] [samueln1.near]

Hello my friends, I share my monthly contribution, based on the role I am playing in this wonderful and passionate [[Forum Meeting] Near Venezuela Members - #4 by user1]

Discord community webinar :

2022-01-23 (11)

[Reward 100$]

Moderation, organization and implementation of tools to the discord of the Near Venezuela community. [Discord]

General statistics of the Discord during the month :

At the beginning of the month we were barely 40 members in the discord, a 100% increase in members during the month being this positive.

Message interaction :

Voice interaction :

[Reward 100$].

Moderation, organization and implementation of tools to the Telegram of the Near Venezuela community(@NearVenezuela)
:fire: Audience analysis result (JANUARY):

:loudspeaker: Near Venezuela - 473 subscribers


:clipboard: Near Venezuela details

:busts_in_silhouette: Subscribers gained: 80 of 473( january) 21%
:robot: Admin-bots: 2 (0.42%)
:green_heart: Subscribers:: 473 users

:eye: Subscribers last seen online:
:white_small_square: 1 second to 2-3 days ago: 298 (63.0%)

:clock9: User’s lifetime on the channel:
:white_small_square: day: 1 (0.21%)
:white_small_square: up to a week: 17 (3.59%)
:white_small_square: up to a month: 150 (31.71%)
:white_small_square: up to three months: 228 (48.2%)
:white_small_square: up to six months: 76 (16.07%)
Updated seconds ago.

[Reward 100$].


Total Rewards [300$]

Eager to continue contributing, I say goodbye, hug!!!


Very good job my friend!
Happy to see these good numbers.


Let’s go for more bro, greetings!!!


Hello Samuel, OWS is paying only half of this month, so the reward will be for $200 USD

Thank you very much for your contribution, very helpful for #near-venezuela

Also, please you can ask for the another $100 USD at the same time using the same link, directly to the NEAR VENEZUELA DAO. We will approve it. Thank you