[Reporte] NEAR Developer Bootcamp by Blockchain Academy - 01 to 12 Nov, 2021

This are the results of the NEAR Developer Bootcamp by Blockchain Academy


NEAR Team, the purpose of this report is to show you all the activities we did during the bootcamp and what were the objectives we had set for this first collaboration.

Below is a breakdown of each of the objectives and how each of them was achieved.

  • Registered to the event: 207 Blockchain Developer registered

To enable and bring the bootcamp to the point where attendees can develop their own project and in turn, award the top 3 projects that completed the entire process.

*** Winning Projects:**

Marketplace de trabajo
Participants: Dario Sanchez y Eliana Calle
NEAR ID: edev.near - dariofs.near

NEAR lista de precios
Participants: Miguel Antonio Acosta Montiel y Jose Gregorio Hernandez
NEAR ID: macosta.near y hernandezj22.near

Participants: Juan David Nicholls Cardona y David Antonio Gonzalez Blanchard
NEAR ID: jdnichollsc.near - davidgb.near

Payout request:

1st Place: 500 USD
2nd Place: 300 USD
3rd Place: 200 USD

Payout request for Blockchain Academy team

first payment: 3,500 USD
date of this payment: September 08, 2021

payment settlement: 3,000 USD

To know about this proyect and Blockchain Academy team you can go to blockdemy or go to our Discord: Blockchain Academy

Wallet: blockdemy.near


Great job! We create a very good collaboration between Blockchain academy and NEAR Hispano :fire:

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Colombia presente! :colombia: Thanks folks for this amazing Bootcamp, I really enjoyed learning with you, thank you for all the shared knowledge! :raised_hands:

I am waiting for the NFT of the certification to share with my community, thank you! <3

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Hey folks, is it possible to get a url of the certificate (NFT)?