[Independently hosted NCD L1 Bootcamp for Latin America by Blockchain Academy MX - November]

Project title:
Blockchain Academy MX hosted NCD Bootcamp for Latin America

Independently run NEAR Certified Developer L1 bootcamp by Blockchain Academy MX

Project NEAR wallet: blockdemy.near

Series: Bring developers and instructors to NEAR University from the Blockchain Academy community

Project members

  • Blockchain Academy (blockdemy.near )
  • Manuel Haro (tuxcan.near)
  • Claudio Cossio (cacossio.near)

Payout month

November 2021

NEAR target account


Project summary

Theme Deliverables Examples
Landing page Landing page for developers to register for the event at https://blockchainacademy.mx/ Blockchain Awards - Blockchain Academy



En junio realizaron el lanzamiento de CryptoRanxeros, un proyecto que refleja el amor por México, la pasión por el rock, la música y el ecosistema blockchain. Los CryptoRanxeros son veintiún NFT’s coleccionables, únicos en su tipo, que están…


Theme Deliverables Examples
Branding for the bootcamp Generate the design for the event, to share on socialmedia
Theme Deliverables Examples
Instructor and protocol showcase Promotion of the Guilds, instructors and the protocols that will be part of the bootcamp View example below :point_down:
Theme Deliverables Examples
Promotion on socialmedia and newsletter of Blockchain Academy 3-4 weeks previous to the event we start promoting the bootcamp to our community, socialmedia and to newsletter subscribers

Theme Deliverables Examples
Promotion in the Discord Server of Blockchain Academy Create a NEAR Certified Developer bootcamp category in the Discord community to engage with developers Blockchain Academy Comunidad

OKR’s for the proposal

  • 100 t o150 developers participating in the bootcamp


  • Novembre 1 to 5, 2021
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