[REPORT] VR DAO June-July-August

VR DAO June-July-August Report

Project Name: VR DAO

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project Accounting: current account balance 476 NEAR

DAO vr-dao.sputnikdao.near

Updated Project Timeline:

After the May hackathon the VR DAO took awhile to find its footing, but now there are more council members and a more balanced structure, which will help move the VR DAO forward and with that, the community will benefit.

We are implementing bounties, re-engaging with the community and preparing the August Hackathon.


** Support for the Incubadora DAO POLIEDRO Artistic residency



** Support for the incubadora DAO bounty request, onboarding an architect to do research on virtual galleries


** Developed a challenge for the august hackathon

** Reached out to those who got support during the may hackathon.

** established a permanent bounty to get feedback from the community.


** Revamped the forum guidelines and descriptions



*** The council of an important DAO must be balanced, so several boxes are checked, like expertise, community engagement, administrative work, etc.

Next Steps:

**** The VR DAO will continue to support the POLIEDRO Residency in the month of September.

**** Will continue to look for more council members, ideally with a strong VR background and/or interest.

**** Will expand its scope and influence in the community.


Thanks for this important update and welcome back, VR DAO!

When you have more information to share - and perhaps more council members on board - about the DAO’s future aims and objectives in a more tangible way that will be great to see. For example, since council member recruitment and community building are key goals right now, how many new council members are you looking to bring on board? How will you look to further expand your scope and influence (ex. # of Telegram members, # of successful DAO payout proposals, etc.).

May also be a good idea to sync with the new CuratorsDAO (cc: @starpause) to see if any of them would be interested in collaborating on ways to drive more VR-artists onto 3xr (cc: @microchipgnu).

Looking forward to your Hackathon challenge as well this month!


Thank you @mecsbecs for that. We will address those issues on our next council meeting and come up with some metrics in order to measure the success of our goals.