VR DAO June-July-August Report
Project Name: VR DAO
Project Status: [ in progress ]
Project Accounting: current account balance 476 NEAR
DAO vr-dao.sputnikdao.near
Updated Project Timeline:
After the May hackathon the VR DAO took awhile to find its footing, but now there are more council members and a more balanced structure, which will help move the VR DAO forward and with that, the community will benefit.
We are implementing bounties, re-engaging with the community and preparing the August Hackathon.
** Support for the Incubadora DAO POLIEDRO Artistic residency
** Support for the incubadora DAO bounty request, onboarding an architect to do research on virtual galleries
** Developed a challenge for the august hackathon
** Reached out to those who got support during the may hackathon.
** established a permanent bounty to get feedback from the community.
** Revamped the forum guidelines and descriptions
*** The council of an important DAO must be balanced, so several boxes are checked, like expertise, community engagement, administrative work, etc.
Next Steps:
**** The VR DAO will continue to support the POLIEDRO Residency in the month of September.
**** Will continue to look for more council members, ideally with a strong VR background and/or interest.
**** Will expand its scope and influence in the community.