[REPORT] The Kin DAO I Marketing June 2022

The Kin DAO Marketing Report I June 2022

Hello Marketing DAO!

We are reporting from the support we received from you in March.

You can review our previous reports from March, April and May


What a month June has been. Our two biggest accomplishments this month were finishing the first phase of our virtual conceptual art space and hosting our event, Primordia DAO of DAOs, at the High Bar New York during NFT.NYC on June 23rd! Making these accomplishments happen was an immense amount of labor and really a cumulation of all we have done over the last 2 years!


  • Onboard 11 new DAOs to AstroDAO (44 total this year with the Primordia DAO project)
  • Offered 100+ office hour sessions to newly onboard DAOs
  • Distributed 103 NEAR Wallets
  • Distributed 153 NEAR NFTS
  • Received 384 Visits on our Satori NFT Campaign
  • Collected 246 emails
  • Distributed 320 Event Tickets
  • Produced 15 Professional Social Media Graphics for our event
  • Complied Press List of 59 potential leads from Rising DAO
  • Twitter:
    • Posted 55 posts
    • Gained 70 Mentions
    • 229K Impressions
    • 10.1K Profile Visits
    • 134 New Followers
    • One of our Top Tweets was our promotional tweet for our event which received:
      • 165 Engagements
      • 1558 Impressions
  • Released 2 Event Press Releases
  • Featured in 1 Journalism Piece
  • Produced an Introduction Promo Video for our project made by Seven Vision DAO
  • Produced a Recap Video of our Event
  • Updated our Website to include a fuller inclusion of all we offer


  • We had planned our event for more than a month prior but due to a delay in funds, we were unable to fully confirm our event until 4 days before the event date. This meant our marketing campaigns, promotion material printouts, NFT/Wallet distributions, ticket sales, press releases, email collections, and website updates were all accomplished within 4 days. While this was labour intensive, our event turnout and our metrics still reached amazing success levels!
  • Actualizing our goals within our contract with FEEDIA became difficult due to misalignment yet we quickly pivoted to ensure we completed the work we set out to do!

Key Learnings

As we come to the end of our journey with FEEDIA, the company we contracted with in March, we are reflecting on our growth and collecting our lessons.

We are very proud of our team as we have been beautifully evolving to learn all the skills needed to make our project grow. We have learned that as we expand, our team needs to expand too - which is why we recognized our need for professional collaboration within marketing/pr. When contracting with FEEDIA, we were looking forward to expanding our project in impactful ways as our substantial offerings are ready to engage with the world. During this time we found some misalignment and some challenges when it came to actualizing our goals within this contract.

Next steps:

We would like to engage in partnerships that are in more alignment with our project and provide returns within the timeframes we set out to accomplish our goals.

This month, we consulted with @sarahkornfeld who has been working professionally in PR for the last 20 years. She confirmed that our current partnership was not the right fit and graciously stepped in, Pro Bono to re-write our press releases and pitched to 59 journalists, starting dialogs with those who care about culture and tech.

Moving forward we are calling upon new partners in the marketing realm including Rising DAO for PR and lowkey giant DAO / World Owned for Social Media - both of which collaborated with us this June.


We have maintained a high level of success and a strong level of optimism for how our project is growing and how our team is expanding. We are gracefully moving through our challenges while consistently reaching higher goals. We see every step as a learning lesson in this distillation process of refining ourselves and hope that through our struggles, others may have an easier time. We hope that our experiences here will encourage our communities to build supportive systems for developing projects to safely expand in collaborations that are fully aligned.

We appreciate the support given by the Marketing DAO and honor the experience and skills that Marketing DAO holds as a powerful resource in magnifying the work of our communities. We honor your capacity at this moment and would love to reimagine the ways that developing projects can safely and professionally expand to reach great audiences in integrity and trust.

We thank you for your time and hope you understand our experiences through this communication!


Very well detailed report :wave:


Can you add Some Screenshots from Social Media Metrics .


Let me know if these are sufficient:
Screen Shot 2022-07-01 at 1.48.41 AM


You are all doing such beautiful work. I was so happy to support you, and this report was really helpful.

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