[REPORT] Reggaedao monthly Report MAY 2022

MAY monthly Report 2022

Project name: Reggaedao Monthly Activities

Project status: Completed

Councils members:-

Ballance: current account balance (111.22 usd )

Astrodao: reggaedaoout.sputnik-dao.near




Projects: Two projects

Greatings to the near government forums,
Creative councils members , here is our reports from the month of MAY 2022

Report on project 1

Report on project 2

@Jahzonemusician @BigM007

Telegram chat:- Telegram: Join Group Chat



Hey @Jahzonemusician ,
Referring you to the following topic about “writing a report for the Creatives DAO”:

Hopefully this will direct you on some of the missing info in the report above.


Thanks very much I will do just as you’ve said sir


Hey @Jahzonemusician , thanks for the updates.
The primary reason for the report is to document where the funding has been used in relation to the proposal. What has been paid out, to who and when, and what is left to pay out etc.
Could you please add some documentation of this to the report?

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The artist that perform were supposed to be paid with near but since they got no binance I normally sent thier $NEAR to my binance wallet and trade it to BTC and sell , and they were paid by CFA but I can show the transaction that I made from my NEAR wallet to binance is that okay?

Ok, not a problem, sometimes that is necessary but we still need to see it documented in the report in relation the funding proposal.


Am done with the documents submition I just need you to check it out sir

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The astrodao address above is incorrect and needs updating. Also, seems like there are very little transactions and documentation of previous payouts in the astrodao for ReggaeDAO.

Ok :+1: I’ve seen the mistake just did the correction, was a mistake when written down

Apologies @ted.iv
The links were created and copied before we did our AstroDAO upgrade.

The listed astrodao links are the links you requested for.

And also, we recently just started proposing for funds from astrodao last month, our first funding was March, April was skipped and now then May, when we started requesting from our astrodao, hence the little transactions on astrodao






Am done with the links, hope all is good?

@Jahzonemusician @BigM007
Seems like all of these transactions go directly to both of your wallets and no other community members. It’s difficult to see how these transactions benefit the Creatives DAO community in building the community and incentivizing web3 eduction for Creatives.

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Thank you for your observation and response.

So far so good, we have been funded two times, March and then May.

Both fundings are documented in our reports. For March expenditure (for reggaedao mixtape), the screenshot of payments were uploaded in the report for your perusal.

For May, Live With Big M that 900usd was budgeted for had 200usd in DAI sent to a DAO Member that was featured on the live show and the remaining 700usd was transferred to the multimedia studio we used for the event.

Both screenshots of the transactions were uploaded in my May report.

The reasons the funds went to our individual wallets were:

  1. It was after the event that we spoke to them about Near Ecosystem so we couldnt have transferred the funds to their individual wallets apart from @Omegadigi-world that already had their wallets opened, so they paid instrumentalists, audio and video engineers from the money sent to their wallets.

  2. Most of the personnels used were not in the Ecosystem yet and we had to receive the funds in our wallet, especially in the case of @Jahzonemusician whose artistes that performed and also event center had to be paid cash after it was first sent to his binance.

  3. We have only had only one event that had majorly DAO members’ participation which was the ReggaeDao’s Mixtape which had 20 people from the DAO register interest and participated.

Basically, certain events may not hold in the DAO, but the outside world, in a bid to onboard those not involved with the ecosystem so automatically, it means, somehow, the funds may still have to be recieved through pur individual accounts for utilization for onboarding process.

We are open to your corrective and constructive measures to safe and smooth running of the DAO.

Thank you, i hope this answers your questions.

NB: For Live With Big M for this June, all participants are from the ecosystem

Lehleh is from NxM, also on BeatDao and Reggaedao

T.O.B.I is also from NxM, also on BeatDao and Reggaedao

Lord Kenny was just recently brought in, he is also on Reggaedao (He is a radio presenter on one of the most famous stations in Nigeria)

The studio we are using is also a member of the ecosystem and we can also be using them as an avenue to onboard new members

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And also we are promising to do things right this time around, every artist involved most surely be part of the web3 ecosystems/ with a near wallet/ ONBOARDIN as a ReggaeDAO member/ Promise, that’s why we are in need of @Symbolik to do the educational part of the event, Thanks