This Report is to recap the Community Calls that went down on Airmeet in August 2021
- August 12th - Recording didn’t seem to appear in Airmeet
- August 26th
The August 12th call was facilitated by @bonepolice so half the payout will be shared with him.
I think one of challenges in getting more of the community members to join the calls is the lack of mobile integration on Airmeet. But we have the ability to record the calls, which works well for those members who just want to check the recap.
We are averaging about 10-12 people per call with updates from members who are actively involved in ongoing projects.
I have still been uploading the calls to the DAOrecords YouTube, I’ll need to get access to the NxM gmail account and add them all there. Will be done soon and all the previous calls can be uploaded.
Coming up for September:
- September 9th (Call #13)
- September 23rd (Call #14)
Request Payout - 100 N
Target - vandal.near