[Report] NEAR VENEZUELA [March]

Greetings colleagues !!!

It seems that I go very fast covering many things, but pressing few. I have neglected guilds where I was interested in working to create written content: Open Forest Protocol, NEAR Writer Collective, NEAR Design Guild, or in the Mentorship program with @LuisAponte99. I haven’t been able to make any progress on it. I am working with rewards that come from the heart and that go to the heart, he he. But I will recover. What happens is that I’m a bit scattered, I like everything in NEAR. Still a lot to assimilate and fix. It’s crazy.

This is what I can report for March (incl., some prospects for the future):

  1. Preparing the “Crypto Beer NEAR Company” whitepaper. Start with an outline and I’m getting ahead of the content. Both based on that post and conversations with chiefs. 60% progress. I’m taking too long, I’m so sorry @FritzWorm and @Jloc

  2. Community DAO
    Having become a member of Community DAO (‘Community’ group) at the end of January 2022 (in the promotion of the NEAR ETH Denver event), I only started to be a very active member at the beginning of March, as part of the ‘Venezuela’ group (approved on March 9, 2022), and so far from the ‘Education’ group (approved March 28, 2022). Here in this post you can see my activity where I accumulated resources for onboarding new members, as well as some interaction in TG and Discord to the seen in the historial, and also being aware of reminding my colleagues from NEAR Venezuela to become members, show activity in the DAO and vote for the proposals in progress. This is my status:

  3. Course NEAR Certified Analyst supported by NEAR Hispano (completed/approved).
    It took me two weeks. I started between March 7-11, 2022, but I never sent the proposal and the questionnaire. I wasn’t ready, I hadn’t assimilated the content well to mature my project. So I logged back in between March 14-18, and submitted all the assignments. I thank my instructor @joycelozano for the attention given. My project proposal was an educational and research program to train parabiologists (i.e., research assistants) from the non-academic general public. The idea is to create a decentralized platform for research and generate value from data/photos that they can obtain to be offered in a market of scientific data on biodiversity. I have a diagram and the idea is rolling in my brain to build in NEAR. Patience… Thanks @FritzWorm for checking it out and encouraging me to continue. A break is coming to think about Education, perhaps participate in the emerging NEAR Venezuela Regional HUB, but not before approving an NCP (…we’ll see when!).

  4. My first steps with NFT’s
    With great interest I was following up on this simple post, expressing my enthusiasm as an amateur nature photographer and the desire to show my work. At the end of the month, I created my second NEAR wallet [all4ferns.near] to apply to minting photos of my biologist stuff taken from 2005 to date (approx. 25 GB of data on my hard drive). Finally, this is going to see the light for the enjoyment of all. Thank you @Dazo for the support and help provided in your initiative. In the last hours, I have started the collection in PROCD store … this will partially explode in April: https://www.mintbase.io/human/all4ferns.near

I keep trying to observe everything we are doing in NEAR Venezuela and I want to contribute more, support you all in whatever way I can and grow our local community, NEAR and the universe. Lots to read…