[REPORT] Near Esports Tournaments - June 20 - June 24

Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian

Project members
Kevin Hernandez kevinhernandez.near
Luis Gonzales Medina luisgm.near
Carlos Morales carlosmorales.near

June 20 - June 24

Link Figma

Playlist of daily previews

Link Repo

This week we continue with the development of the page to view a specific tournament.

You can now see the teams registered in a tournament and also see the information of a tournament.

We have also started the development of being able to give a nft when a captain registers a team in a tournament.

We also continue with the brackets system.

Here are some pictures:

    • See tournament info

See registered teams ( * user names are random not real )

For next week’s goals it is expected:

At the time of registration, a nft will already be awarded.
At the moment a team also wins the tournament they will also be awarded a nft
And to continue and if possible this week to finish with the bracket system.

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