[Report] Near ES May 2024

Project Name: NEAR_ ES

Project Intro

The NEAR ES project aims to drive adoption and awareness of NEAR Protocol within the Spanish-speaking community through a comprehensive educational initiative. Our goal is to onboard new users, guide them in creating wallets, and empower them to confidently engage with web3 technologies. Through education, gamification, and outreach to non-blockchain communities, we seek to demystify NEAR Protocol, strengthen community connections, and contribute to the growth of the NEAR ecosystem in the Spanish Speaking community.

Meet the team

Before I introduce our team, I want to underscore that the heart of our success lies in the dedication and professionalism of each member. Together, we form a cohesive unit that consistently strives for excellence in everything we do.

Activity Member
Project Manager: Ulises Marin @ramgor
Telegram group moderators: Yaneisia Hernandez @Yaneisia, Julián Mostacero @jblm, Gilberth Betancourt @gilberth.near
Twitter: Milly Rodriguez @MillyR06
Media: América Castro @ame9986
AMAs/Workshops, Relations, Collaborators: Fritz Wagner @FritzWorm, Alejandro Moreno @alejandrom, Francisco John @Butneversaved Angel Sanchez @skyempire

Our social media channels

Telegram: NEAR ES (981 Members)

Telegram Announcement: NEAR ES (98 Subscribers )

X (Twitter) : NEW Account @EsNearEs (493 followers)

NEAR Social /BOS: NEAR_ES ( 146 followers )

Medium: @neares (211 followers )

YouTube: @ESNear (303 followers)

BOS Blog: NEAR Es Blog



Approved Proposal Link:


Highlights of the months:

During this month we achieved the following:

  1. Componentes NEAR: Una guía para principiantes en el desarrollo Web3
  2. Revolucionando el Desarrollo Web3: Cómo la Abstracción de Cadenas en el Protocolo NEAR Transforman la Programación Blockchain

We translate the latest posts from NEAR blogs and publish them on our NEAR Social Content Blog: Desbloqueando la Web3 Multicadena con Chain Signatures de NEAR, La IA en tus manos: User-Owned AI is NEAR y La Fundación NEAR se Asocia con el Protocolo NEAT para Acelerar el Crecimiento de las Aplicaciones de IA con una Delegación de 1 Millón de Dólares en NEAR

  • Events Offline

We had a successful offline event presenting the NEAR Protocol at the launch of the “Mi Arepa Digital wallet” La Vzla del siglo XXI” which is based on the NEAR Protocol technology. Over 60 wallets were opened during the testing and main event. Our project manager spoke about NEAR Protocol technology and why it is a logical choice for building dApps. Attendees had the opportunity to try the wallet and perform transactions using the Arepita token.

This event showcased the practical applications of the NEAR Protocol and was a significant milestone combining many people’s efforts.

  • Event Online

Event Online 1. Workshop for Devs

This month, we’re excited to announce the continued expansion of our partnership with the Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Telecomunicaciones e Informática (UNETI). Campus Based in Guarico state, Venezuela, UNETI is making significant strides in cryptocurrency education and solidifying its position as the country’s leading institution for blockchain studies.

As part of our growing collaboration, we hosted an online educational event to introduce NEAR to developers. This event served as an opportunity to showcase the potential of blockchain technology and its applications. Additionally, we are proud to announce that we have enrolled UNETI students in the Blockchain Operating System (BOS) Certified Developer Bootcamp conducted by the Open Web Academy.

On a side note, we’re pleased to highlight that in the most recent BOS Certified Developer Bootcamp training, two developers from UNETI successfully completed the program with outstanding projects. Foodquiz testnet and SearchMovieByTitle

Event Online.

Metrics & Evidence

KPI Referral system parameter start end Difference Evidence
Wallets creation of 50 wallets 299 424 125 Wallets created
Demonstration NEAR to NON blockchain communities Partnership/ events
0 1 1 Event Evidence May NEAR ES 1
Education of the local communities:
Online/ Offline Events
0 3 3 Event Online 1 Evidence May NEAR ES Event Online 2 Evidence May NEAR ES 2 - Event Offline Evidence NEAR ES 3
Devs activity
0 3 3 Devs UNETI List 1 Articles: 1. Componentes NEAR 2.Revolucionando el Desarrollo Web3: Cómo la Abstracción de Cadenas en el Protocolo NEAR Transforman la Programación Blockchain
Engagement gamification mechanism
0 37100 37100 ES NEAR ES X May post (Twitter post) and
Event Evidence May NEAR ES 4
0 131 131 Event Evidence May NEAR ES 5
Wallet txns
0 1650+ 1650+ Update at May 5th- Wallets created
Tiktok/ or any video platform
0 2 2 Evidence May NEAR ES 6 - Video 1 ¿Qué es NEAR cortos educativos - Video 2 NFTs en NEAR cortos educativos conoce el Mundo de los #nfts

Next Goals Highlights:

The past months have been a whirlwind of hard work, and we’re thrilled to celebrate some incredible milestones! We’ve made significant progress in raising awareness of the NEAR Protocol within the Spanish-speaking community and fostering its growth. We’re committed to amplifying our presence across social media platforms, solidifying our position as the leading resource for Spanish-speaking users interested in NEAR Protocol. Our core objective remains to make it easy for Spanish-speaking individuals to join the NEAR ecosystem. We’re actively fostering a culture of learning and advancement in BOS development, empowering developers to build on NEAR.

We are incredibly proud of the hard work from this past month, demonstrating the active community, great talent, and dedication within our team. Our ongoing goal is to increase awareness and engagement with the Spanish-speaking community. Together, we are building a vibrant and inclusive NEAR ecosystem.


Hi @ramgor

I’ve attached the results for Near ES in May 2024, after a detailed review of your report.

You can proceed to the next step for the second 50% disbursement of funds, through Astra+ here Astra++ by astraplusplus.ndctools.near on BOS

Thank you! :slight_smile: