[REPORT] Near DigitalFashion Dao September 2022 Report

Dao Name: Near Digitalfashion Dao

Project Status: Completed

Council Members:

@Styleherbalist (styleherbalist.near)

@Pallo (pallojnr.near)

Balance: Current account balance: 6.1022N
Total in USD: $12.45



Project 1 -
Start Creating Digital Fashion Workshop and masterclass 0.1



Project 2 -
Logo Design and social media cover Bounty for Near DigitalFashion Dao



September projects was an awesome experience, the two days workshop and masterclass was an eye opener to all the participants and they were all happy to be part of the family of Near Ecosystem. The logo and social media bounty really met it goals of engaging the digital artists and graphics designers in the community and the best logo that describes our Dao won.


This is our metrics on September;

:heavy_check_mark: onboard 10+ New NEARians/creatives

:heavy_check_mark: Create 10+ New Near Wallets

:heavy_check_mark: Create 10+ digital art as wearable NFTs

:heavy_check_mark: increase to 100+ community across all our social media platforms

:heavy_check_mark: obtain photos and videos from the 2 days workshop to enable us publicize about our community in all social media platforms.

With the help of my team and every other external individuals who worked with us, we were able to achieve all our goals and meet our metrics for the month of September 2022.

  • We onboarded and opened 10 NEAR wallets for new NEARians.

  • The participants of our 2 days workshop created 10 digital fashion designs as a wearable NFTs during the workshop. Which are yet to be minted on mintbase store because we are yet to own a mintbase store as a Dao. When proposing for our next funding quarter, we will include opening a mintbase store on our budget.

  • From September till date, we moved from 49 DAO Members to 190 DAO members on all Platforms.

Below is our linktree


During the two days workshop, we discover that a lot of fashion designers and craft makers don’t even know that there is something like Digital Fashion and Web3. So two days was never enough to impact in them all is needed as be a digital fashion designers, though all our participants were fast learners and they were able to learn and practice the same time.

This is one of the design created our participants that is made to be minted once we open our mintbase store as a Dao

Other designs created by our participants are been stored in a Google drive and will be minted once we open our mintbase store as a Dao.

According to our roadmap, we were to organize this this workshop every month to enable us expand the community to digital fashion designers and to enable participants to master the art of digital fashion but this past few months have thought us more reasons for self sustainibilty. So we will channel for energy and funds in the direction for self sustainability by rent a space where we develop as Digital Fashion hub and equipment the hub with computers and other tech tools required in creating digital arts and fashion.

Thank you @creativesdao-council for all the support so far.

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Thank you @creativesdao-council
We far we’ve been able to achieve these things and we’re definitely going to do more.
Thank you for trusting us

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