I’m currently involved in a few projects related to education and development . Here are some details on the projects and the progress/achievements:
NEAR 01 Arabic Course
An introductory course to NEAR and smart contracts in Arabic.
Work & Progress :
- Course is currently live on both Udemy and Youtube
- A new video added to encourage people to register for the NCD when they complete the course.
- 123+ hours watched on Youtube.
- 3 people fully completed the Udemy course and rated it 5-star
NEAR in Arabic & NCD in Arabic
A brand, a website and community that targets educating Arabic-speaking developers on building dApps on NEAR. The main goals are to build courses, articles, communities, and projects for the Arabic-speaking world.
- Work & Progress :
NEAR-by-Example Website
A website developed specifically to help developers write smart contracts with NEAR as fast as possible. It provides samples for most of the SDK functionality.
Work & Progress :
- Published 4 new Rust/NEAR examples
Advancing in NEAR
- Got my NEAR Certified Instructor certificate this month, led by Sherif Abushadi
- Completed a Rust crash course
- Ported 3 projects we wrote for the NEAR 01 Course from AssemblyScript to Rust. Currently available on
's Github.
Next Month Focus:
We should be focusing mainly on the NCD in Arabic program: recruit students and certify people. We are going to expand our social presence and launch marketing campaigns.
I’ll also continue advancing my NEAR technical skills.
– End of Report