[Report/mpDAO Grant #8] Ethereum Mexico 2024 - Meta Pool: Official Sponsor

We are glad to announce the activities made by Ethereum México in México during last week.

According to our application this is the 1st Milestone Report.

Milestone 1: Sponsor Announcement

Announcement of Meta Pool as a sponsor.

We are glad to announce the activities made by Ethereum México in México during last week.

According to our application this is the 2nd Milestone Report and Complete delivery of the final report.

Milestone 2: Final Report

Final report link

Event Structure

Livestream recording:

Streaming on X.
Day 1 Pt.1. 3199 views
Day 1 Pt. 2. 1,764 views
Day 2. 2,901 views

Streaming on Youtube.
Day 1. 322 views
Day 2. 270 views

Streaming on Youtube.
Day 1. 150 views
Day 2. 91 views

Espacio Cripto
Day 1. 462 views

Day 1. 9 views


Media and Content

Photo Gallery

After Movie

Social Media Announcements:

X - Announcement as sponsor for Ethereum México
X - “Supporting Public Goods Through Liquid Staking” by Alán Estrada
LinkedIn - Announcement as sponsor for Ethereum


Drop Id #177703: Meta Pool en EthMéxico 2024, 82 mints

Meta Pool’s Talk

“Supporting Public Goods Through Liquid Staking” by Alan Estrada
Total attendees: 70
Female: 26%
Male: 74%

Feedback Analysis

Final Thoughts

We greatly appreciate your continued support as a sponsor, and we hope these insights provide valuable perspective. This report highlights not only the general state of the Ethereum ecosystem in Mexico but also offers detailed feedback that we trust will be beneficial for your future initiatives.

Special thanks to the team behind mpDAO Grants, the Meta Pool ambassadors, and the community at large for your unwavering support. Your contributions were instrumental in making Ethereum Mexico 2024 a success—an event that marks the beginning of a new generation of builders in Mexico.

Thank you for believing in our vision and helping us bring this community together. We look forward to continuing to grow and create meaningful impact in the Ethereum and broader blockchain ecosystems.

  • Ethereum México