Meta Pool on Mexico during April, 2024

We are glad to announce the activities made by Meta Pool on Mexico and LATAM during the last month.

Certainly, here’s how you can integrate that into the recap:

As April 2024 drew to a close, Meta Pool continued its journey of innovation and growth within the blockchain ecosystem. The month was marked by significant milestones, strategic partnerships, and community engagement initiatives. March saw the focused launch campaign of MPDAO (Meta Pool Decentralized Autonomous Organization), underscoring our dedication to democratizing governance within our ecosystem."

March Monthly Tasks 2024 2 times per month:

  • Organize a virtual AMA on “X” (Prev. Twitter) with Cripto UNAM community.

  • Workshop with EpicQueen fostering education around blockchain and decentralized finance.

These tasks served as pillars supporting our overarching goal of community engagement and awareness, laying the groundwork for sustained growth and impact.

Throughout the month, we diligently pursued our objectives with a series of weekly tasks, ensuring consistent progress and engagement:

Week Apr 1-5:

  • Created an X thread discussing Vote to Earn.
  • Shared post on X about video campaign.
  • Shared post on LinkedIn about Talent Land.

Week Apr 8-12:

  • Shared pos ton LinkedIn about recap Q1.
  • Created engaging content on X about migration.
  • X space with Crypto Queens.

Week Apr 15-19:

  • Continued to share updates about Meta Pool’s latest developments on LinkedIn and X.
  • Created visually engaging content such as infographics to enhance communication and outreach efforts.
  • Collaboration with Abraham Riv for making video content an getting users to stake in the app.

Week Apr 22-Mar 26:

  • Xspace x Anti SAT community.
  • Continued to share updates about Meta Pool’s latest developments on LinkedIn.
  • Post on X about token reset.

As we move forward into May, we remain committed to our mission of empowering users, supporting innovative projects, and driving the adoption of decentralized finance solutions. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and developments on our journey ahead.


Really amazing! Let’s spread the word around the world! :earth_americas: