[REPORT] Marketing The Clan February/March Actitvities


Hello @marketingdao-council

This is our Report of February/March:

  • All the NFTs bought of Paras.hq with the ART2AD where donated for the DAOnation - thehelpis.near - With a awesome first page featured by Paras.Paras DAOnation -thehelpis.near
    Twiiter of DAOnation NEAR
    *DAOnation is a DAO i created and only work with volunteering work. Were specially created to help two differents worlds with the same movement - ART2AD . After The Clan bought the Arts, they are put in second Market sale for donations. We accept NFT donations too :slight_smile:

  • We raised around 800$ in the first auction and transfer to Unchain.fund

  • As i made a Emergency Announcement

The Treasury of the DAO holds the others NFTs here: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/the-clan.sputnik-dao.near/treasury/nfts

:black_medium_square:Also we have the social media report:

This is the result of the ART2AD VOL2 in impressions of Twitter:

In March we didn’t ask marketing funding - so that’s why the report is February and March .
KYC responsible - cavenaghi.near

Thank you very much for the support!

The Clan Councils



I tag @Dacha for possible feedbacks

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Thank you for sharing the report.

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Just reading now, congratulations and thanks for the report @whoiscavenaghi ! :dizzy:

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