[REPORT] Indonesia to the World by Svara DAO for July 2022

In July we held 3 classes and discussions, the following Friday and Monday at 7 pm / 8 pm WITA. We held Indonesia to the World lessons in our third month, where our community members could gain knowledge about music, how to make local music frequencies, a brief history of the Jogja HipHop Foundation, interactive dialogues from traditional Indonesian musicians, composer of traditional music hits, Gamellance.

And because funding was delayed, we postponed this event and we did it again this August, because on August 8, we have received funding from NF

MC by @teezyindo

July 15, 2022
Indonesia to the World speaker by Gamellance part I

July 18, 2022
Indonesia to the World speaker by Gamellance part II

August 12, 2022
Indonesia to the World speaker by Gamellance part III

Videos are available to you for free on the NxM Youtube Channel.

AstroDAO Terms 1 Payout $150

AstroDAO Terms 2 Payout $150

Astro DAO Host Payout $50

Target: gamellance.near & teezyindo.near