Hello everyone,
In April and May, I have been working hard as a board member of Globe DAO. I really appreciate this role and want to share my accomplishments for April and May:
Globe DAO team meetings every Thursday at 10am GMT and additional meetings as needed. Meetings are 1-2 hours in length. Attended a total of 4 out of 5 meetings.
I am actively involved in assessments and report writing for Globe DAO candidates. I have checked previous totals and commented on them.
Created a guide for Globe DAO applications for the month of June:
Created the Globe DAO financial report for May
Reviewed the proposals for May and June.
Reviewed reports for April.
Approval of proposals on AstroDAO.
Communicating daily with Globe DAO Councils on Telegram.
Communicating with guilds to help them achieve KPIs and writing reports.
Communicating with regional executives to promote important news in the ecosystem.
Created a presentation for the March Globe DAO report.
Writing Telegram and Twitter Globe DAO posts:
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
- Twitter and Telegram
The Globe DAO team strives to do its best for the development of NEAR communities. If you have feedback or suggestions, or need advice, message us on our social media channels:
Twitter: NearGlobeDAO
Telegram: Near Globe DAO (group)
Personal Telegram handle: Ihor
Email: nearglobedao@gmail.com
Personal Twitter: i_moskalenko_