[Report] Eastern Europe Educational Hub May 2022

In May, we achieved all our goals, and this is what we got:

  1. The community has grown 3 (!) times in a month — now there are more than 300 people in our Telegram chat

  2. Recorded developers on NCD (for all the time we recorded about 80 people)

  3. We held a webinar where we talked in more detail about how we will develop further and invited instructors to pass the NCI

  4. We received more than 20 applications, conducted a selection and a personal interview with everyone, as a result, we selected about 10 people to pass the NCI

  5. Organized systematic work with the community — in the chat, novice developers receive support and answers to their questions from more experienced ones, held 2 AMA sessions

  6. Participated together with partners in the webinar on web 3 and blockchain

  7. Reached preliminary agreements with partners in Kazakhstan

  8. We publish on Medium and YouTube (gaining hundreds of views)

  9. We have formulated a roadmap for development until 2023-24

Thus , as a result of the work done:

  1. There is a super team to implement the project

  2. We have learned how to create traffic — a constant stream of people who want to become developers

  3. Found instructors who will conduct training

  4. Prepared and submitted a grant application to continue participating in the development of NEAR

To be honest, I am pleased with what we have managed to achieve in such a short time and with a very compact team​:+1:
