[REPORT] Creatives DAO community moderator - frnvpr

hello all,

I’m perfectly aware that the Open Call for new Council Members is closed, but would like, nonetheless, to manifest my interest for the future (or present).

I have been engaged, both in the Incubadora DAO and the VR DAO, with many proposals and activities, and wish to extend my engagement to other areas, e.g. supporting the community in finding ways to onboard developers, creatives, academic researchers, etc.

As a professional writer, my main focus in this community is the establishment of ‘productive’ narratives, i.e. ways of engaging with each other that are more democratic and open than traditional power systems.

If and when the present council feels my collaboration is needed, I’m available :blush:.

Thank you :pray:



Thank you very much for expressing your interest in joining the Creatives DAO council @frnvpr. The DAO will hopefully be upgrading from sputnik.fundastrodao.com in the near future (within the next couple of weeks) and when we do, it would be great to have you on board officially.

Can you please add the NEAR account that you would want to have added to this future Astro DAO for the Creatives?


Thank you so much. Edited the original post!

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Hello all. This serves as my report for the Creatives DAO council activities of November

  • I participated in all the community calls and council meetings.
  • I engaged in the TG channel with the community.
  • I gave feedback to several proposals, in the forum.
  • I collaborated with the astrodao onboarding team and helped the community migrate to astrodao.
  • I engaged in talks with the DEV DAO, to eventually support the community in developer-related issues.

And I thinks thats it :slight_smile:
Thank you all.

Hello all,

for the month of December:

  • I participated in 2 of the 3 community calls and council meetings.
  • I engaged in the TG channel with the community and the Council.
  • I gave feedback to several proposals, in the forum.
  • I collaborated in the creation of the new Council Member’s Open Call.

thank you all

Hey all,

the month of January was completely crazy.

I helped create the open call text and rules, I then helped change that into what is now an incredible experiment and a serious move towards decentralizations: daos voting on daos.

I helped on board the new 5 community managers.

On top of all that, I reviewed and voted on the January proposals, attended the community meetings, and engaged with the community.

Looking forward for February :man_surfing: :man_surfing:

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Hello community.

February was as full as January.

I have continued to support the community in all it’s channels and necessities, plus helping the new moderators learn all the aspects of the role.

March will be the last month I’m doing this job, and will move on to other projects in the community.

If any member of the community feels a 1 on 1 talk can help clarify some issues with payouts processes, astrodao, forum guidelines, etc, please send me a private message on the forum or on TG (@frnvpr). I will try to be available to help those who need me.

thanks all

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Hello all,

this was my last month as Creatives DAO Community Moderator (previously Council member).

I wish all the best to the new and current team, as well as to the future members of the Moderator team.

This is my report for the month of March.

  • 4 Creative DAO office hours on telegram
  • provided guidance on proposals, new DAOs and community efforts and projects
  • engaged with NF on proposals like the House of Guilds
  • helped solve disputes between members of the same DAOs
  • helped the new moderators get a better feel for their role
  • and provided TG 1 on 1 support for several community members.

Thank you all for these last 6 months of collaboration. :pray:

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