[REPORT] Cosmia DAO May Monthly

Project Name: Cosmia

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project members:

Francesca Fretti mormostrix.near

@BarbaraTosti barbaratosti.near


Stefania Giudici stefaniagiudici.near


Viviana doublev.near

Project Accounting: current account balance USD*


Ohana payout pending 18N for technical problems on her wallet (artist stipend reward)

Updated Project Sections Timeline:


We decided to extend the two calls launched in march, one for find our LOGO and another to start NARRANDOMNIA store. Both are also available as NFT to be collected or sent as gift to participants



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We had some problem understanding the process was suspended due to upgrade of the DAOs system, but at the same time collecting new information on how to grow the DAO, realizing we should invest some energy on sharing the opportunity to join our DAO


the same step of march continued on may, further info will come when the process is concluded:

Francesca with Maristella are writing the editorial contract and work on the zero edition of “l’ossimoro sorridente”
Francesca with @stejud work on the graphic zero edition of the book

contact with Alex Giurgila, accompaniment for the “Heart project where are you?”"

IRL print partner search

IRL fund search


We give 3 rewards of 5NEAR to whom can help us with that, either by writing articles, make interwiew or small video that help us share our vision and calls (10 NEAR whent to pay this two articles : in italian

in english


artist still have to receive their stipend, due to the upgrade problem, but also thei are not ready to share the upgrade of the work so we need to follow them for some days in june to do an official presentation

(in collab with Incubadora DAO IncubadoraPT DAO - NEAR Forum)

Gabriela Abreu @gabrielaabreu

Nara Rosetto @nararosetto

Hoana Bonito @Hoana

Viola Sellerino @violasel


Hello @BarbaraTosti. I’m checking out some proposals and reports today and I saw that sometimes the COSMIA titles are wrong and because of that it is sometimes difficult to find its content. So I’m editing but check it out to fix in the next few months =)

Remember: Master budget and report proposals must target DAO creatives. The other posts can be under the general creatives tag. =)

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oh that is the problem, thanks so much for letting me know, I will use from now one that edited by you :innocent: :sunglasses: