Good day Everyone, the moderators of the creative Dao @creativedao-mods .
I remain ozoihu Akunna joy , C1 legal ambassador and council member of the CAPITAL GUILD.
The month of may was a great one for capital guild on the project of models and makeup artists - (proposal ) capital guild creatives ( models &makeup artists ) which was duly planned and executed on the 21th of may 2022.
We have photographs currently being minted in the capital guilds mint base store which will have physical unlocked-Ables to be shipped to the collectors of the models
And a compiled video from the models project being uploaded on our YouTube channel Capital guild - YouTube and will be posted on all our social media handles.
Newly onboarded members are currently on our social media groups and are excited for the coming months and years in the Near ecosystem, the web3 and the NFT space .
I and my team feel so honored to the council leaders for finding us worthy of this great project. And to the CreativeDAO moderators for supporting this great idea .
And tagging @creativedao-mods for visibility