(REPORT) C1 book NFTs and legal ambassadorship

(REPORT) C1 book NFTs and legal ambassadorship

PROJECT NAME -Proposal for C1 legal ambassadorship and book presentation


PROJECT STATUS - (in progress)

Updated project timeline


This particular project has been a life changing experience for me … it has helped me in my journey to touch lives and serve humanity at a whole new different level by introducing a lot of people to C1 through my articles and live presentation… So far the 4 digital books are ready to be minted. I have also set out 4 different outworks for my video presentation which is scheduled to take place at a stipulated date.
However I have also offered legal aid in the registration of C1 which is still in process and will be ready soon. Finally onboarding great minds into the eco system.


As great as it’s going … i must say it has not been a smooth process for me As I experienced few setbacks while trying to post my video presentation on the stipulated date (20march ) coupled with few health Challenges that got me hospitalized for few weeks … but in all am glad its all over … am back like I never left and giving my best shot … so I must say that I have learnt a great deal from this project… if not for anything, I have learn to go with the flow and give my best in what ever I set out to do … this experience will aid me in actualizing my next project.

Next step

Right now, while getting the articles minted … and touching lives through it and the video presentations … am also focused on onboarding more great minds into the eco system .
With other great things in mind to do for the benefits of C1 guild , after am done with this particular project… my next project will be to organize a charity event (visiting the less privilege) so as to let the public know that C1 guild also looks out for the less fortunate…
this will aid the public to realize that C1 don’t just explore talents to greater dimension but also focuses on everyone (less fortunate) so as to spread the word about C1 and it’s benefits to the society… it’s time for the world to know that in C1 dreams can be turned into reality.

