Hello everyone!
Role in Aurora Community DAO
I am one of the consuls at Aurora Community DAO and also serve as the Community Team Lead.
Ambassador Program in February.
Since my last report on the “Ambassador Program,” 10 more days have passed. During this time, I created more than 15 tasks and reviewed around 400 tasks. I also shared the Twitter statistics of our ambassadors: link to Twitter statistics. At the end of the program, I distributed all the funds to our ambassadors.
Talantum Company in March.
We have revised our plans and outcomes. We launched the “Talantum Company” with a significantly reduced budget, and we opened it to attract more new ecosystem participants. Officially, we launched the program on March 7th. In this short period, I created more than 10 tasks and reviewed over 100. Currently, we have 237 new program participants, and their number continues to grow. We actively use this program to test ecosystem applications, generate new ideas for improvement, both for new and existing applications. We also aim to find new developers through this open program, as Talantum allows one to validate skills and propose tasks for a specific audience, namely developers.
Work in the Role of ACDAO Consul
As an ACDAO consul, I participate in all working calls held four times a week, each lasting over an hour. We have already gathered several interesting ideas that we will implement soon. We also had calls with 16 projects to help them implement their plans in the Aurora ecosystem.Although we are not part of the AuroraLabs organization, we work closely with them to research projects that come to them for support.
If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments below or directly to me on Telegram - YoNota.
Also link [chat with Talentum Company]