As AC-DAO Consul, I report on my progress over the past month in making our DAO part of the NDC, working with mini-grants, and establishing workflows between Congress and the AC-DAO.
Making AC-DAO part of the NDC
Creation key proposals for the inclusion of the DAO in the NDC and actively cooperating with the Congress to discuss significant issues related to our DAO.
Creation of a working group: GDAOs and Proactive People Team to discuss important issues within the community and to communicate directly with Congress.
Actively participate in the social life of the NDC (attend AMA sessions, participate in meaningful discussions, network with projects) to engage projects/people in our DAO initiatives.
Working with mini-grants
Calculation of the budget and creation of announcements in order to promote our grant support.
Reviewing projects applying to our grant programme in detail and actively engaging with them.
Discussion of draft plan with each project and active implementation of technology/marketing solutions into our DAO initiatives.
Project Calls and Team Interaction
Participated in 10 project calls, each ranging from 1-2 hours, gaining valuable insights and experience in handling diverse initiatives.
Attended all internal calls with the AC-DAO team, contributing to a deeper understanding of our project goals and objectives.
Building future initiatives
Formation of the February Proposal and active promotion of January initiatives.
Currently, our focus has shifted more towards the technical aspects of partnering, resulting in the selection of three additional projects for collaboration in the next month:
Join the Telegram chat Aurora Community DAO.
If you have a questions, ask us directly in Telegram - Luchito, Techdir, YoNota.
Follow us in January and February so you don’t miss our key announcements and events!