[Rejected] AURORA Korea Activities


Aurora Korea is set to launch a major initiative to grow its influence in South Korea, building on the previous successes of the NEAR Korea DAO team. Our focus will be on engaging with various web2 and web3 products, communities, and builders, as well as collaborating with Centralized Exchanges (CEXs) like Bitget. Our strategy involves leveraging the strong community foundations we have already established with NEAR Korea DAO and CoinEasy.

A key part of this plan is to create dedicated social media channels specifically for Aurora Korea, which will tap into the substantial audience we’ve built with these existing communities. This approach aims to elevate Aurora Korea’s status in the Near ecosystem and make it a significant player in the region.

CORE TEAM Members:

Core member Jaden: Near Social 1
Core member Kailey: Near Social
Core member gryptoguru: Near Social

We will establish dedicated social media channels for Aurora Korea and leverage the existing audiences of NEAR Korea DAO and CoinEasy, following approval

Stay connected with us through our existing social media channels supporting Aurora Korea

In light of the successes, setbacks, challenges, and lessons learned in recent months, we believe this proposal marks an excellent start for 2024, positioning us for substantial regional growth.

Our revised focus aligns with the current Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and NDC COA objectives:

  • Onboarding builders from Korea
  • Increasing On-Chain Activity
  • Transitioning web2 users into the Aurora Ecosystem


  1. Host at least two online events aimed at developers, encouraging their participation in the ecosystem and fostering developer activities.
  2. Achieve a minimum of 5000 transactions by Aurora Korea Community members.
  3. Publish four articles detailing ecosystem updates, projects, and blockchain education series for widespread learning.
  4. Organize Gaming events, content contests, and weekly social media activities to maintain an active community presence on the blockchain.
  5. Boost our social media impressions and SEO by 70-100% monthly.
  6. Launch our ‘Project of the Week’ series, featuring practical sessions for community members on product usage, focusing on four projects this month.
  7. Conduct at least four AMAs with both off-chain communities and on-chain community projects.
  8. Produce four videos and infographics about Aurora projects, simplifying and clarifying the ecosystem.
  9. Summarize weekly news for community engagement.
  10. Implement Aurora Pass for all community rewards.
  11. Create a video/infographic guide on redeeming rewards via Aurora+.


  • Community on-chain and off-chain Activities (Games, Contests, workshops and etc): $500
  • Team Compensation with Influencer Partnerships/Promotions: $2,000
  • Total: $2,500

Wallet: coineasydao.near

This revised proposal outlines Aurora Korea’s strategic plan and budget for January 2024, focusing on community engagement, education, and expansion within the Korean region.


Hello, I admit that NEAR Korea DAO is one of the active communities in the NEAR ecosystem :wink:

However, for initiatives here, there seems to be potential for double dipping with the initiatives proposed by NEAR Korea DAO and Globe DAO. I suggest:

  1. Using social media different from those presented by NEAR Korea DAO to Globe DAO.
  2. Submitting distinct initiatives, proposals in Aurora Community DAO should align with the activities and KPIs provided.

In the past, there were dedicated regional communities within the Aurora Ecosystem, each with different social media, activities, and reporting, even though some caretakers were the same.


Thank you for your message!

  1. Certainly, we will ensure the creation of distinct social media channels for the Aurora Korea community. Leveraging platforms such as Near Korea DAO and CoinEasy, as previously mentioned, will aid in effectively growing the Aurora Korea community’s social media presence. This method will enable easier and more efficient outreach.
  2. We believe that we have suitable KPIs for the Aurora Community DAO’s vision, which align with the NDC’s KPIs, focusing on expanding the user base, increasing transactions, and fostering a vibrant community.

Thank you!


Great, thank you for the clarifications :raised_hands:

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Thank you for your support and interest in us! :slight_smile:


@CoinEasy, Hello!

As of the beginning of February 2024, Aurora Community DAO no longer funds individual Aurora guilds.

All Aurora Community initiatives are now officially part of the Aurora Stars Force Ambassador Programme and will be funded from the Ambassador Program budget.

As Aurora Korea has been formally considered for the formation of the Ambassador Program, please contact the Ambassador Team Leader to discuss details - YoNota.


Thank you for the update. We have reached out to YoNota to discuss the details.

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