Okay, I am hearing this for the first time. I don’t know if @kiskesis told you I have personal issues with him. However, I leave you to your judgement.
I didn’t get a response about the document.
Hello everyone! Let’s be positive and let’s keep building!
Kiskesis, please don’t worry you can be a candidate next election, I am sure as you are from a development team you can get a lot of OG votes without any problem. But, push the decision right now when you did mistake is not a good thing for the community spirit. I support you can ask for a later investigation on what happened. We are adults, we mistake and there is a consecuence, thats it… nothing too serious, again you for sure have a clear shot in the next elections .
Also will like to add:
Now that the elections are ended there are many other votes that should be taken out. There is an Attacker Wallet that controlled more than 490 wallets, joined 76 of those to Sout America and gave you 44 fake votes that I expect all to be taken out from the final count.
Don’t know if thats something that someone wants to do to attack You to make others believe you are the bad guy (attacker).
But take into account that your team from Ukraine also voted with the same pattern as the attacker wallets:
911, 916, 928, 931, 937.
Again, I only have some facts from the NEAR blockchain record, and it’s possible that someone is trying to falsely incriminate you. I just wanted to give you a heads-up that many of the votes you received are fake.
I am waiting for the pending election announcement. Even I received fake votes from funny wallets registered in Africa and Asia, which I don’t know who they belong to. They don’t have any socials nor wallet use, just newly created wallets to vote,… weird to receive popular votes from newly created wallets, I only did campaign on North America and Asia with OGs… so me receiving fake voters… and I know that I am not cheating. So, it could be the same in your case.
Regarding the question about the damage caused by these actions, here I believe that going against the rules and then claiming it’s okay and that it doesn’t cause any harm is a wrongdoing. It undermines the culture of trust and following the rules, which are essential for building together.
What could be the result of nobody seeing your paid votes campaign, receiving important votes from it, and winning because of it? It would be unfair to others. That’s why we should all be on the same page, working together with the same rules, to be fair to others and show respect.
I believe you are a great contributor, and if @Dacha supports you, I am more inclined to give you my support in the next elections. Let’s build the NEAR future together.
As we are a community, let’s make a Poll about Disqualification of @kiskesis