Proposal - Voltron: Creator & Community owned tokenized media content platform

Project Members: Delleon McGlone (Delleon.near) & Spencer Ailts


Creator & Community owned tokenized media content

The Voltron Network (Delaware C-Corp) is the parent company of Voltron, a Web 3 protocol for creating video & audio streaming media.

Creator ownership on centralized platforms is nonexistent and controlled by the companies that run them.

Voltron changes the centralized way into the decentralized way through governance and community ownership. Voltron Token ($Voltron) is granted to content creators & community members.

Almost daily we hear about creators not maximizing monetization opportunities because the platforms they use take such a large chunk of profits, skewed streaming numbers, removal of videos & audio segments without explanation, and unfair financial partnerships.


Allow content creators to maximize their channel and empower their community through video, streaming, user engagement, tokenized content, and NFT sales.


Live and recorded video & audio streaming content, to which episodes can be packaged & sold as NFTs.


Xyz Creator can record or live stream their content (podcast, video, movie, show, etc.) and package them with bonus content, merchandise, exclusives, etc as an NFT. Xyz Creators who have a social token can also market & sell their tokens (include airdrop) or include them in their NFT.

Voltron Token ($Voltron):

Voltron is a governance currency video and audio streaming token. It serves as a protocol that establishes engagement between creators, NFT assets, and their communities.

Voltron Monetization (Governance Token):

  • Voltron token
  • 15% of streams profits
  • 7% transaction fee
  • 2.5% of NFT sales
  • 1% of all creator social tokens
  • Advertising Revenue

Creator Monetization (Personal Token):

  • Social token
  • 85% of streaming profits
  • 97.5% of NFT sales
  • Advertising Revenue

Token Distribution:

  • Supply: 24,000,000
  • Community Treasury: 12,000,000
  • Stakeholders: 8,000,000
  • Airdrop: 4,000,000
  • Disclaimer: Voltron token holds no inherent value. It has no claim on cash flows and will launch with the sole use case of being used for governance.

Awesome! It seems you’ve got this idea pretty well mapped out. Would be great if you joined our NxM Telegram and Discord servers and shared more with the community!

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What are the links to those group channels?

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