[Closed] The Kin DAO I Marketing I July 2022

Could you provide a link to Primordia please?


Yes here is a link to the Primordia project. Just to clarify this is a project DAO that was birthed from The Kin DAO that is onboarding 100 social good DAOs to NEAR by the ed of 2022. Eventually it will become functioned by the DAOs onboarded once they get stabilized in the system.

Sorry, I’m confused. What is the similarity between onboarding new DAOs and Sundance Trans-Dimensional Crystalline Dome which cost for us $2500?

  1. It would be great to know why Kid Dao leadership made decision to create a new DAO, and didn’t integrate the Primordia project Into Kin DAO. We could save at least $400
  1. Too many questions about onboarding rewards…



Kin DAO people, not the first day in Near Ecosystem; my question is, why should we pay for the lessons and onboarding? Why can’t KinDAO do it for free like other Nearians? I believe Kin DAO has tons of educational material and received thousands of dollars from NF, and now the time to return the money back to Community as free lessons, help, seminars, etc.

Also, would it be great to understand the value for the Near Ecosystem from 6+11 DAOs if the organizations cannot buy 12 N to create a new DAO on Astro?
How many people? Could you please share more information about the DAOs?

Have a great day!

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Primordia DAO is supporting the projects being onboarded into the NEAR ecosystem, not just by onboarding them but by also assisting them to actualize their visions. Primordia DAO is leading traditionally excluded communities into NEAR and supporting them to succeed in this space which in turn amplifies social impact projects in Web3. This project was primarily initiated for onboarding but is far deeper than just that - this is village building, value shifting, skill trading, real world to digital merging causing social impact. ARC DAO was onboarded by and is part of Primordia DAO governance. In the coming months as the other DAOs get comfortable they will also be a part of the Primordia DAO’s AstroDAO and it will be clear that Kin DAO is not the primary team here, just the initiators who lead the first leap, as all projects need.

You can read our Primordia DAO Introduction to get a better understanding around our decision. The work of both projects are too huge to be one. It is okay for DAOs to split off and multiply just like many other DAOs in the ecosystem have done and how nature teaches us to do. The intention with Primordia is not for it to be forever lead by Kin DAO, but for the other DAOs to take leadership roles as they learn. It takes quite a bit of time for folks to fully acclimate to this space and feel comfortable doing so.

We are happy to answer your questions. For the amount of hours we put into onboarding, it would be unsustainable to do this labor for free. We have in the past and do in the present contribute much of ourselves for free. In fact, we are doing quite a lot for very minimal payment here while other projects are fully funded to do the same. We have seen that NF happily rewards labor for onboarding. Do you have direct communication from NF around what labor should or should not be compensated?

Also did you notice this month we received no council payment?

I am a bit confused by this question - are you inferring that if a community cannot afford to pay 12N they do not deserve to be in our ecosystem or do not bring any value here? As stated before, we are bridging the digital divide for traditionally marginalized communities - this means breaking down all barriers to entry and encouraging folks who feel turned off by Web3 because of these barriers to bring their value sets into the NEAR ecosystem. These are communities we know NEAR values and desires to include in the ecosystem.

All the DAOs that have been onboarded thus far are in written in every single report of ours. Please feel free to take a look!

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Hi Dacha, I’m Asya of the Kin DAO. I think a phone call should be setup to answer all these questions thoroughly. It is my understanding from this line of questioning that you believe that our DAO members and all Nearians should work for free. Do you hold yourself to the same standard of free labor? I personally have spent over 1000 hours teaching lessons to hundreds of people with the purpose of onboarding into the Near ecosystem in the last 6 months alone. I have held weekly DAO Office hours, co-written lessons here with @starpause and Sarah Smith https://deep-work.gitbook.io/astro/onboarding/welcome-to-astro :tulip: My rate for teaching in the analogue world is $150 per hour. I have not received even a fraction of my usual rate. I pivoted to teach about the Near ecosystem without proper compensation with the dream of building something better from a heart centered approach. You seem to believe in free labor for all Nearians. Humans need to be compensated and rewarded for their labor. We can make it clear what this minuscule funding has gone to and is going to through line items and in person meetings if you would like to audit us. We are open to being audited. I sense from the tone of your remarks unrewarded labor may have a very negative impact on our precious NEAR ecosystem building. Many of us have invested our time skills and expertise without compensation already. To ask for entirely free labor is unjust and unsustainable for the ecosystem as a whole. We work in good faith with reciprocity as a core value. Free labor is extractive. We came to the Near ecosystem with excitement at the possibility of building amazing projects that are aligned with our values. We love and appreciate the community that we have built and are currently rapidly building. We don’t wish to cause harm to them by asking for free labor. Let’s get clarity on what is being communicated here. Misunderstanding are best cleared up via dialog. My team and I look forward to speaking with you soon. :sunflower: @adrianseneca @Patrick-T-Anderson @lujane

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Thank you for the answer .

Unfortunately, observing that in Creatives DAO only. The last example from new mod team member.

Look at this:

One [Approved] Tribethrive DAO - Jul-2022

Two [Introduction] - The Unforgotten DAO, I bet he is going to request $2000 within couple weeks.

Three [APPROVED] Funding Proposal for Spiritual DAO – July 2022

It’s not labor, and we are not hired personnel. It’s our mission for Near Community. How many rewards did Kin DAO receive on 21 and 22?

No, I meant they should show that the Community needs them. It’s so weird then we pay rewards to open DAO to the organizations.

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I am sorry, how are other projects being added into this conversation? We are not associated with Tribethrive DAO nor Unforgotten DAO. Also, all payments from Tribethrive are going to the DAOs being served, $0 are going to the DAO members doing the work precisely because of this ideal of free labor which is highly damaging.

Highly disagree here. I agree with @godofnfts, we should speak on a call to clarify this communication.

We answered your question previously in the above comments:


There is nothing weird about investing in meaningful engagement and sustainable growth that DAO’s exponentially bring about to the Near ecosystem. That is what we are doing when we reward the amazing communities that contribute more than is possible to compensate them. They are investing by joining the Near community. There is a huge learning curve. They take the time to learn and teach their own perspective communities. That’s unmeasured value added to the Near community. I urge you to take time to meet with us so that we may clear up any misunderstandings. :blossom: @adrianseneca @Patrick-T-Anderson

Sorry, I couldn’t find the best place for the conversation. It would be great to you highlighted the question at the next meeting in Creatives DAO.

Great, thank You!

For statistics: Kin DAO received 37k dollars and onboarded 100+ new Community members, ~ $370 for one Community member.

The last question: how much from 37k dollars were spent on Kin DAO leadership payments and on Community members . It would be great to see their comments here, as well.

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Good evening; We have FREE courses in Near University and Near Learn Club and millions of free classes on YouTube.


  • Muti DAO;
  • Coffee with Chloe;
  • Official Near YouTube channel (over 50 playlists with educational videos);
  • Video guides on Kin DAO website


It would be great to know how many new Near Community members have been onboarded in South Dakota?

Do you have any reports or photos about the event? How many lectures about Near protocol did seven people from Kin DAO hold? Couldn’t find any reports on Instagram, our Logo on organizer’s banner

By the way,

  1. Why do we associate blockchain Near and Amanita muscaria or Amanita pantherina on KIN DAO pictures on Instagram which have been illegal to buy, sell, or possess in some states and counties? Why it’s powered by Near?

  2. You can watch psilocybin mushrooms on KIN Dao introducing video:

Which is illegal in all countries except couple ones , Oregon state, and some cities in the USA.

How many people with low income got support from EFAM DAO ( part of the Primordia project). Would you like to give a couple of lessons for free, at least to the DAO, and send rewards to the people with low income?

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Could you please invite in the thread 100+ Kin DAO community members and people from the list of already onboarded DAOs (4+11)? Would be super valuable to get their feedback. Thank You

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Again I think you misunderstand what we are doing and who we are. We are teaching groups of marginalized peoples that Near University and Learn Near Club are not. We hold their hands and spend live one to one time with them. The way we teach them is special because we mentor individuals. I love Marmaj Foundation but they offer education that is out of reach for people that are not digitally savvy. I collaborate with both Chloe and Tabea (Muti DAO) on DAOcubator. What we all do is very different but highly valuable to the Near ecosystem. The Kin DAO focuses on communities that have difficulty even getting to a computer. They have often been onboarded via cell phones. We do reward all the low income people that have the courage to enter this highly intimidating web3 space. We begin with Near wallet use case exercises which I have not seen offered anywhere :tulip: Fungi are our logo because we build in biomimicry like mycelium networks. :100: We DO NOT advocate for illegal substances. :100: All mushrooms are beautiful and it is not illegal to post their images. Your current request to add all 100 DAO’s is currently not possible because our goal is to complete the onboarding by December 2022. Currently there are 44 onboarded. Adding them all to this conversation will also take time. I will get to it by Monday end of business day. This week alone I worked on 11 DAO’s. As for Ucila Makoce day in South Dakota we didn’t make those flyers you will notice the Kin DAO is also not on that flier. Fortunately I document most of my engagements. Please visit my personal IG @asyaabdrahman so that you can get a better understand who I am. You may also investigate my twitter @peacekin or @abdrahmanasya I understand the work that I do may be difficult to comprehend that’s why my team and I are making a documentary on the onboarding of these 100 DAO’s that come from marginalized communities.

I’m not sure that did you say. Everyone marginalized or not is able to complete any course.

  1. How does it related to Near protocol? Did you try to request a grant from the California government?


  1. Could you please share KIN’s DAO income statement for 21 and 22?
  1. I think pictures with illegal mushrooms should be removed from the video and Instagram account.

Thank You.

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This is a personal blog. I have found only two pictures with Near. All others are advertising (KGC, Coffee) and psychedelic videos.

Ones again, $37 000 , 100 onboarded people

Near Protocol is offering a place for these marginalized communities to contribute and build their tools in web3. We are building globally not limited to California. We are NOT a charity. We are offering experimentation start-up communities, growth, engagement and sustainable scaling in new paradigms within web3. We are creating investment DAO’s with our communities on Near Protocol so this is very relevant to the Near ecosystem. Our success will attract many more investment DAO’s which are sorely absent within the Near ecosystems. We are highly ambitious and motivated to achieve what hasn’t been achieved by including people that are traditionally excluded and welcoming them into the Near ecosystem. Near is fun because of the supportive community.

Yes, we can share our income statement for both 2021 & 2022.

Yes, sure. Could you please share information on how many dApps/tools the 100 people were built on Near Protocol since 10? months of launching KIN DAO?

Did you apply for a grant from NF as a start-up NEAR Foundation Grants ?

We joined the NEAR community in August of 2021. :partying_face: My post on NFTEA & COFEE July 6, 2021 is before we even knew about NEAR. The first 2K we received from NEAR was in Oct 2021. We are relatively new to the NEAR community. We accomplished a lot in the short time that we have been here.

Of course this is my personal page. Again you misunderstand me. I gave you my personal page so that you may learn about me. :grinning: My art is often called psychedelic. I am a multidisciplinary artist. You may criticize my art as you wish although it is not relevant to our conversation here. :joy:

These are the posts that are related to our NEAR DAO conversation
Login • Instagram The Kin DAO emerged from Kindness Grocery Coop and NFTea & Cofee. Here is a snippet on our origin story.
Login • Instagram

Let’s take the time to understand each other. :peace_symbol: This conversations feels like we are talking in circles. Enjoy your weekend. I will be back online monday. This is an example of one the :fire: DAO’s that we onboarded. https://www.presencebrowser.com/ https://app.astrodao.com/dao/presence.sputnik-dao.near


@Dacha Hello, I wanted to reach out here since the conversation is stemming from a proposal about working with Rising DAO.

First, as someone who is in the arts and hoping that the NEAR platform and DAOs will make a sustainable and systemic difference for artists and creatives, I am glad to be here. Though I am only here because I trust @godofnfts because of her artistic integrity as well as her relentless work to serve communities that are in danger and need change. Asya has a steller reputation in the Bay Area as a curator and activist, and we all hold her in very high regard.

I was never promised anything as an onboarding DAO, within Primordia DAO, but to help continue to grow a community that can make 1.) a direct impact 2.) create a deeper sense of community 3.) utilize the NEAR Platform for this goal.

The investment into the Kin DAO appears to be an excellent investment because the Kin DAO is doing something critically important, bringing marginalized communities, artists/creatives, and social justice workers into and onto the larger NEAR Platform. It is also critical to point out that two women of Color are the points for the Kin DAO for me, and that I value their leadership.

I am new to this world, though the work that Rising DAO wants to achieve is creating content, articles, media about exactly what the NEAR Platform and growing cultural brand is asking for: the voices of people making a difference through Blockchain.

In our work with Primordia DAO, we want to:

  1. Inteview all the DAOs in primordia DAO to gather their stories for case studies
  2. We want to set up meetings with press to help them understand HOW NEAR platforms these voices
  3. We will write about these stories in everything from the LA Review of Books to the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

The storytelling of what lives and breathes here on the NEAR platform is a critical component of education, sharing, and growth for the platform. Without this, people cannot adequately write about what is happening on the platform that is visceral and interesting. We are not talking about pure Technology journalism, but culture writers who need to explore this new world. If they can do this, then the overall education process on the platform is even stronger.

More about me here: I have 20+ years in technology and the arts. I launched Google Earth, was the first producer at Netflix (marketing team), and built one of the first consulting company for art and tech on a Ford Grant with arts organizations from all over the world. I am deeply invested in this work of art and technology, to support the explanation of BOTH the NEAR Platform and those in the Primodia DAO. https://www.sarahkornfeld.net/

** As to working gratis, that is totally a strategic question. There are times to invest and times not. As far as I see it, as a writer and communicator, I think that the upcoming NEARCON in Portugal in September is a crucial date to have case studies together. Therefore, Primodira DAOs wish to gather them, with the help of my expertise, which seems to be very reasonable, strategic and a win-win for the Platform.

Again, I hope that this is helpful since you’ve asked for some voices here in response to your concerns. It is my hope that NEAR will be supportive of this community, and that my value is seen and acknowledged as well.

Best to you -


Hi all – I wanted to weigh in here with some comments after reading through the proposal, ongoing commentary and taking time to look through all parties’ digital touch points (sites, social, etc.).

  • First, to address the funding request itself, I have spent years both as a writer/content creator and also doing PR work, and I can attest that the funding requested for the work is totally reasonable, if not on the low end especially when you take into account rates charged in the SF Bay Area. Building a media list is a huge undertaking, as is any kind of media outreach. The cost for a press release is fair when you consider the cost to publish on the wire AND cost to produce it and supporting materials that are often necessary for deploying on the wire (graphics, for example). I also don’t argue with the funding for creating the strategic plan. That’s part of what PR people do.
  • Second, I don’t know Sarah personally, but I spent 15+ years as a writer living in San Francisco, and I have heard of many of the organizations with which she is affiliated. They are all highly reputable, top-notch organizations. Her background, in my view displays really top tier expertise for the work proposed.
  • My concerns about the proposal are tied to two core issues. First, PR is a long game. You typically can’t get results in less than 4 months, but more likely 6, in most cases. You have to keep at it month after month – especially when it’s a project that requires education around its key themes, which this does. So with that in mind, I am wondering whether we should fund a proposal that realistically is going to need ongoing support for the rest of the year when there is a lot of questioning of growth for the already allocated $37K of funding. It’s a tough question.
  • My other concern is about the growth/audience that exists at this point. If growth has not been greater for $37K thus far, what is to say that putting PR behind it is going to be the answer? I don’t have any reservations about the team’s sincerity or enthusiasm – I think it should be noted that @adrianseneca is an active member of the community and has posted on the forum what I think are some of the more thoughtful and pragmatic commentaries around the current situation with the CreativesDAO.
  • Last but not least, the other thing I think is super important with PR is that you’ve got to have a really solid digital and social presence in order for media to take you seriously. Right now, I don’t think the social audience, web site and digital presence is as buttoned up as I would like it to be for media to start looking at it in high volumes.

At a minimum, I would recommend focusing on leveling up the digital presence and audience first before going out to the media in a formal way. Media tend to cover subjects that make THEM look good and they are proud to put in front of their audiences, so digital presence is crucial to an effective PR strategy.

I’d be happy to have a conversation with you guys to elaborate on my POV if that’s helpful.


Lorraine, thank you for this insightful and spot-on feedback. I certainly would be open to focusing, expanding, and refining the proposal. It would be terrific to collaborate with you as well.

I do believe that the development of case studies is still crucial because without them identifying the right target press, the right positioning, and more critically being ready to share how the Primordia community is working IRL as well (which is fundamental to the DNA of Primordia and the community’s desire to utilize the “village” wisdom of Africa) we would be missing the full story for ALL the ways we can engage media (social, classical and community).

Again, thank you for your clarity,