Project Name: NEAR Italia
DAO near-italia-v3.sputnik-dao.near
Guild Governance: myself - @j.deLuca @S_Fortune
Total amount requested 2 months (August and September): 1.200
Hi Everyone I hope everyone is doing awesome,
I’m managing to do the second bi-monthly report without delays, very proud of myself.
Here are the 2 main points of this report:
- A long announcement
- Overall Update and Metrics projects onboarding
It has passed almost 1 year since the creation of the Italian guild. It all started as an idea during the NEARCON Alfa and it was developed during time thanks to the help of @stanisnear, the community, the forum and the marketing DAO.
After one amazing year, unfortunately, I cannot be anymore the frontrunner of the Guild/on chain community (to make my life easier I’ll keep using the term guild in this post).
I found a new job and I cannot be a “guild leader” anymore (believe it or not, there is kind of contractual reason) .
In the last months, as mentioned in the reports, I have been looking for people to give longevity to the project. It was not easy but I think I finally found who can take over.
At the NEARCON I met some members of the Italian community and I discussed with them the potential of the guild and its limits.
They are all new faces and didn’t know about the gov forum.
I met in person @j.deLuca and we have been talking and e-meeting since that day.
He will basically take over my tasks.
He will be the one posting in the forum, helping the onboarding of projects and coordinating the people that will do the social medias (IG-Twitter-Medium-Telegram).
During this year I found myself struggling because of 2 main reasons:
- One was being too busy to be constant in producing/translating content;
- The second is that I was an Italian Guild leader not living in Italy but in Lisbon.
On the other side @j.deLuca is based in Italy, he is studying programming and he will already meet few community members to create and Italian Hub.
Regarding the social medias 2 other members will take take over.
One is @S_Fortune that is the person behind the first Instagram page that NEAR Italia had in the past and the other is Carla that is atm the person behind Aurora Italia: [](https://Aurora Italia)
Sara and Carla will be able to create more content and translate more documents/news.
- Telegram Metrics:
August and September saw a little increase in members and in messages exchanged compared to the previous months:
Twitter and Instagram
Twitter and Instagram keep growing, the growth might not seem that amazing but in reality is not like this.
I mean, for sure we could have better numbers but this is all organic.
The metrics are not pumped. Our page with less then 200 followers has the same interactions (likes for example) then other pages that have thousands of followers.
What we need is to have more quantity and some activities to involve more the community (givaways etc). I’m sure that the girls that are going to take care of the social medias will do a great job.
Project onboarding update on Young platform
As mentioned in the last report, we got in contact with the Italian exchange Young platform.
The third most used exchange in the country: (where Binance and Coinbase are 1st and 2nd).
The team behind Young would like to launch the NEAR token on the Exchange.
Near Italia took care of connecting Young with Near Foundation and a meeting between the two parts already took place. Hopefully they will negotiate a partnership.
Payout proposal and some few thoughts
My last funding request for this 2 months will be coherent with the ones that I asked in the past.
It is of 1200$
This amount is justified by the fact that I’m the person that handles the social medias, moderates and support the community on telegram, that meets people and organizes the onboarding of the projects. I always tried to use common sense when asking the payout (see the amount asked in June/July [REPORT] [PROPOSAL]Bi-Monthly June/July Near Italia) and I have always based it on the time I spent on the on chain community.
I wanted to close this topic with a big thanks to all the people that I got to know in this year.
I always felt supported by the members of the forum, the @marketingdao-council and all the other community members with witch I interacted.
Of course I’m not going to disappear. I will help the new faces of NEAR Italia to move their first steps and I’ll keep interacting in the forum.
Once again thanks to everyone <3