[PROPOSAL] Open Call for an Art Project "We Are Super Heroes"

Hey! This is my entry. I believe it talks about our equanimity and resilience. Staying true to ourselves is a super power.


Can I also send one of a friend? She is new here and is having trouble with signing up.

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yes you can do that - just post her piece here - we will help her later

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This is my friend’s piece called India Galactica
Her name is Paola Alfamor, a brazilian artist who’s work is focused on healing through art and the sacred feminine.


I forgot about the size :person_facepalming: I’m in a hurry to draw :grin:
Thank you for reminding me once more. :hugs:

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Hi miss @GeminiRising , i just need to know if my ratio size art is incorrect too.? It was 1240 to 1754 my ratio art size is smaller than @maryrazel.near she used 1280 to 1780 size . Do i need to change it ?! Or is that qualified.?

Pls check my ratio size :point_up: @GeminiRising this is my entry art work.

Hi, if you increase the width to 1280 on the one side the height goes to 1811, which means once on the Paras card the top/bottom will be cut off by 31 px. So if you don’t mind loosing a bit of the image then fine…

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Hey there! :heartpulse::relaxed: Here’s my entry for the “We are Super Heroes” . This is a female warrior hero whose name is Ashen Arrow, a brave hero that flights for justice’s and protect the youth from bad influence. Her power’s were based on neutrality because she believes that her arrow can penetrate the heart of an individual to make righteous decision in life. She is blind folded because she believes that heart can see more that the eyes in our society.


This is My Version Of Raven, a fully grown woman who fights for Justice, and consumes evil. As the half-demon daughter of the inter-dimensional demon Trigon, Raven is very powerful and displayed a vast amount of abilities. She has displayed the ability to control, manipulate and or generate pure shadows and darkness. Raven can manipulate energy, time, and emotions.


Please clarify the information on the timing of the placement of works. May 13 midnight was the deadline, or still open?

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Hey there!

Unfortunately, this bounty is now closed.

Thanks all for participating! :star2:


When was the announcement of winners ?

We are still waiting for people to resend the correct size. If that is not done soon, they cannot be accepted, cause the image will be cut off if they aren’t corrected…

We have 31 submissions! Below they are numbered. We hope everyone who needs to can resize their image correctly. These numbers will be listed in the Astro DAO poll where you will be able to vote for your favourite 3 pieces. Link to the Astro poll - https://app.astrodao.com/dao/inav2.sputnik-dao.near/proposals?category=Polls&status=active

































Hey! Just changed the ratio and also altered some things (:

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№20 with Correct ratio here pls

Hi! It should be 1920x2670px. Thank you! Otherwise you will have empty spaces on either side!

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Hi miss @GeminiRising can you pls check if my resizing is correct., i just follow the size you gave. This is my Art Entry #19



yes it is correct! thank you

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