[Proposal] NEAR Toronto - September 2023

[PROPOSAL] NEAR Toronto - September 2023

[Proposal] NEAR Toronto - September 2023 - $2500

Community Name: NEAR Toronto
AstroDAO: near-toronto.sputnik-dao.near
Funding Scheme : 1 month (September)
Previous Proposal: N/A
Previous Report: N/A

1. Community: NEAR Toronto Regional Community

NEAR Toronto was started in June 2023 and is looking forward to September to continue building on the success of its initial launch event. NEAR Toronto aims to empower individuals and businesses in Toronto and beyond to explore, adopt, and thrive in the world of blockchain technology and beyond.

2. Social Media (Metrics #)

Twitter (457)
Instagram (1078)
Telegram (555)
Email: NEARTorontoHub@gmail.com
Website: nearto.org
NEAR Social (12)

3. The TEAM: Current Voting Contributors:

The current voting contributor team members are as follows:

Sal C.
Core Lead
TG: SalShuttlesworth

Alex A.
Core Team
TG: alex0x00

Shawn B
Core Team
TG: Benz_Mint

4. Problem Statement:

The Toronto blockchain ecosystem suffers from being underserved, disjointed, and spread-out, hindering its full potential for growth and innovation.

5. Problem

To solve the above problem, the NEAR Toronto community will develop community growth initiatives, event planning, a quality social media presence, partnership development initiatives, and tools to onboard projects.

6. Tasks & Metrics

6a. Task: Community Development, Support, and Management
Community Growth: Track the number of new members and contributors joining NEAR Toronto Community Channels
Budget: $500 USD
Quantifiable Goal: 4.5% Month Over Month Growth (Telegram - w/ Creation of Developer Channel)
Category: Developer Onboarding, Education

Each new member brought into the NEAR Toronto community through (“Community Development, Support, and Management”) is realized or potential NEAR user which has a direct impact on increasing active

  • of active Developers
  • of active Users and Transactions
  • of Tools on BOS
  • Future NDC Governance members
  • Future Project Buidlers

6b. Task: Community Event Planning, Development, and Coordination
Event Participation: Measure the attendance and engagement levels at our in-person and virtual events. Events will include Onboarding, Developer Education, and BOS elements
Budget: $1000 USD
Quantifiable Goal: 30+ Developer Attendees to first NEAR TORONTO Development Focused Event
Category: Developer Onboarding, Education, BOS usage and builds

Each event organized by the NEAR Toronto community involves a prerequisite of a NEAR wallet to claim a ticket which directly contributes to increasing:

  • active BOS Tools/dApps
  • active Developers (and prospective developers)
  • active Users and Transactions

Events also build awareness which contribute to increasing:

  • of Tools on BOS

6c. Task: Social Media Planning, Content, & Coordination
Social Media Growth: Monitor the growth of our social media channels and the reach of our content.
Budget: $500 USD
Quantifiable Goal: 4.5% Month Over Month Growth (Twitter) with funnel to Telegram for NEAR Toronto new Developer Channel
Category: Developer Onboarding, Education, BOS Tools/dApps

Each new member brought into the NEAR Toronto social media channels increases their exposure to educational, support, awareness, news, and other communications that contributes to increasing the number of:

  • of active Developers
  • of active Users and Transactions
  • of Tools on BOS

increasing the # of active Users and Transactions.

6d. Task: Partnership Outreach
Partnership Development: Track the number and quality of partnerships (categorized into: Onboarding, Education, & BOS) formed with other projects and organizations.
Budget: $250 USD
Quantifiable Goal: 2 Partnerships Developed Per Month in 2023 that support developer community growth initiatives
Category: Developer Onboarding, Education, BOS Tools/dApps

Each partner developed and brought into the NEAR Toronto community is encouraged and brought into the ecosystem due to interest or fit to build on NEAR (& BOS) which has a direct impact on

  • of active Developers
  • of Tools on BOS

And subsequently:

  • of active Users and Transactions

Additionally, partners that are already building on NEAR are able to expand their reach to the non-NEAR users in the community and therefore directly impact the increase:

  • of active Users and Transactions

6e. Task: Project Onboarding Outreach & Development
Project Onboarding: Create a landing page and introduce a project onboarding flow and track the number and quality of projects brought into the NEAR and NEAR Toronto ecosystem. Providing supportive materials/resources to help guide them towards learning to build (education) and building on BOS
Budget: $250 USD

Project onboarding initiatives brought into the NEAR Toronto community are is directly related to the increase:

  • of active Developers
  • of Tools on BOS

And subsequently impact the increase:

  • of active Users and Transactions

Near Wallet ID: near-toronto.sputnik-dao.near
Name: Sal Chaudhry
Telegram handle: @salshuttlesworth
Email: neartorontohub@gmail.com