[Proposal] NEAR Integration into Arroz | <Phase 1>

As a core part of our newly formed Arroz Criativo guild’s goals, we are working to integrate NEAR within our association and venue as a standard transaction medium. Our end goal is that anyone attending our events can pay in NEAR at the door, bar and food outlets.

Currently we use a range of different payment methods through the venue including FIAT payments in cash & card as well as a tab system and two different physical tokens. As a part of this proposal we are planning to amalgamate the non-fiat methods into a single system using NEAR. Our aim is that we will use it for:

  • Routine payments on the bar and food outlets from our core community
  • Paying internal service providers
  • Distributing drinks & food tokens to DJs and performers
  • Paying our community for internal ops meetings
  • Routine transactions between our community
  • Useable by the public at all of our points of transactions

The project is set-out to be implemented in 3 phases:

  • Phase 1: introduce the NEAR wallet and payment system to our association team structure, initial drops and start circulation
  • Phase 2: develop and implement a point of sale payment system at the bar and food outlets, testing, monitoring, feedback and redesign
  • Phase 3: develop the system for onboarding of the public, promotion of the project, drops & incentives

This proposal sets out the details of ‘Phase 1’ which is designed to introduce the NEAR network and wallet system to our association community. To do this we are proposing to start using NEAR as a payment means within our currently voluntary association team structure.

For more info on our association & venue, we are based in east Lisbon and have over 8000 members, around 40 of which are currently involved with the running of the association by attending meetings in the team structure described below. The idea within this proposal is to use NEAR tokens as a new incentive for existing volunteer roles thus engaging our community with the network in a pre-existing structured format.

The proposal also has the benefit of rewarding those who have volunteered with the association historically and will strengthen the developed team structure as a result.

Team Meetings Structure:

  • General Association Meeting [Whole meetings open to anyone working in the association]
  • Team Leaders / Core Team Sync
  • Events Team [Syncs between all events staff]
  • Programming Team [Team of 4 handling the programming of music events & exhibitions in the venue / galleries]
  • Communications Team [Meetings between the graphic design, social media & wider comms staff]
  • New Spaces Team [Meetings between a team of 5 looking for our next location]
  • Accounting Team [Team of 4 monitoring the assc accounts]
  • Fundraising [Meetings looking for fundraising opportunities from national and international institutions]
  • Crypto Integration Team [Developing the presence of the association in the decentralised finance sphere]

We would like to ask for 2275 NEAR Tokens for the following tasks:

  • Implementation of Phase 1 of the proposal
  • Integration of NEAR within the association team structure over a 4 month period
  • Set-up of wallets for 40+ association members
  • Run regular workshops to onboard people onto the platform
  • Develop awareness of the NEAR ecosystem and integrate within our community

Timeline for Phase 1 is as follows:

  • Kick-off meeting with entire association teams, initial wallet sign up and NEAR token drop / week 1
  • Training of team leaders and fund distribution / week 2
  • Implementation of team meetings calendar / week 3 - 17
  • Review and record collection / week 6, 10, 14 & 17
  • Closing of program & retrospective / week 18

Links to more info:
Arroz Guild: Meet the Arroz Estudios Guild

Arroz Intro Doc: http://bit.ly/ArzGrl0321


For info, we’re running our next NFT / crypto event in 2 weeks.:partying_face::partying_face: links below:


very exciting project to get involved, I’m sure this integration would fit our dynamic and collaborative community :star_struck: