[PROPOSAL] NEAR EU DAO council remuneration

Dear Marketing DAO,

We, Anastasia and I, hereby submit this proposal to request remuneration for the work completed during the period of August to November 2023.

Brief introduction to what happened. Last year, NEAR Foundation started elections under the subsidiary RC-DAO where community members could apply to become council members. Anastasia and I applied for council members for the NEAR EU DAO and ended up being elected by the community.

Anastasia and I were assured that we can build a regional community under the NEAR EU DAO to unite all regional communities in Europe and make our proposals to the Regional Communities DAO in the future.

Anastasia and I then set to work and completed the following tasks at the time in question.:

  1. Established communication channels with regional community leaders to gather insights and feedback.
  2. Conducted extensive research to understand the landscape and identify opportunities for growth and development.
  3. Organized regular meetings to ideate, discuss, and collaborate on strategic initiatives.
  4. Drafted comprehensive documents outlining the proposed Values & Community Guidelines, Code of Conduct, Governance Structure, Strategy, Budget, and Timelines.
  5. Developed a Governance Framework and Budget proposal.

Despite our diligent efforts, we did not receive any feedback or acknowledgment from the Marketing DAO regarding our budget planning endeavors. Subsequently, the Globe DAO published a proposal encompassing similar activities to ours, which received swift approval from the Marketing DAO within a week.

In contrast to the Globe DAO Council, Anastasia and I have been democratically elected by the community. It is of paramount significance that we have received sustained assurance that, as Council members, we will guide the NEAR Europe DAO and secure funding over an extended duration. However, as we found out, this is not the case.

Considering the substantial effort and time invested in completing mentioned tasks, we respectfully request remuneration for our work during the period of September to November 2023. Based on other proposals, we propose remuneration of $2,000 per person per month, which brings us to a total of $12,000 for Anastasia and me.

The funds would be requested in a separate proposal and would be split as follows:

  • @AnaNastya (ananastya.near) = $2,000 x 3 months = $6,000
  • @Kemal (kemo.near) = $2,000 x 3 months = $6,000

We kindly ask the Marketing DAO to thoroughly review our proposal and provide appropriate remuneration for the work completed.

Thank you for your consideration.


Anastasia and Kemal

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@Kemal Thank you for pointing out this issue. The confusion arose from the miscommunication as we had been promised the position in the Council and dedicated the time equal to the full role.

As we never received any message or feedback on our work except for messages confirming that we were supposed to keep working, our contribution should be enumerated according to the initial agreement.

I am also at your disposal to clarify any further information.


Hi @marketingdao-council,

It’s been 16 days and I haven’t heard back yet, so I’m tagging the Marketing DAO Council team again.

I hereby ask for a timely feedback regarding our proposal.

I am also tagging @jlwaugh in this post as we worked with him at the time.

Best regards,

Thanks Kemal - - i have been a council member back then in RCDAO , i find it difficult to understand if there’s any promise of renumeration for regional dao contributors?

None of the regional dao contributors received a compensation or renumeration of what they have done.

Again- - what is the relationship between MDAO and your request for the renumeration too, MDAO supported RCDAO under constellation period.

Hey @Bakaka, Thank you for your comment!

We, Ana and I, were led to believe that the work we put in upfront would be compensated once our proposal went through with our budget planning for NEAR Europe. We were led to believe with the elections that Ana and I won that we would get the NEAR Europe DAO funded in any case and therefore the work we put in beforehand would be remunerated.

However, this was not the case as we were ignored by the MDAO and instead the NEAR Globe DAO proposal, which was in direct competition with the RCDAO, was favored even though there was no vote from the community.

Just because no other regional DAO has submitted a proposal does not mean that this is not justified.

Who else would be in charge of this?