Section 1 - DAO/Project Information

  • Organization Name: NEARWEEK
  • Founded: NEARWEEK started in early 2021, and has since then published a weekly near newsletter and other content for the last #158 weeks
  • DAO’s Category (Marketing/Content)
  • Project’s Category (Community Led)

Section 2. Previous Funding

Section 3. DAO URLs

  • DAO / Project Website: NEARWEEK BOS site
  • Social Media Distribution Channels: Twitter
  • Is Your DAO/Project Targeting a Specific Country? No, entire #NEARVERSE
  • Which region will your DAO/ Project support?
  • We mainly support primary content in English, we do however work with a range of contributors to have it translated to other languages like Chinese, Vietnamese and Spanish.

Section 4. Applicant Information

Section 5. Team Members & experience

P3ter: Co-Founder of NEARWEEK, Ex. NEAR Foundation. Active in the NEAR ecosystem since Mar ‘21.

Cudam - NEARWEEK, Ref Finance DAO, DapDap. Ex Trisolaris, Decentral Bank

B4ltasar: Content & branding jedi at NEARWEEK. Active member of the NEAR ecosystem since Sep ‘21.

Luther: Ex. NEAR Foundation. Ex Swagger DAO. Active in the NEAR ecosystem since Jan ‘21.

Gus - Ex NEAR Foundation, MetaCartel & Hydra Ventures DAO, Linkdrop co-founder

Section 6. DAO/Project Charter/White or Litepaper and Goals

Project Overview

  • Mission & Vision: To enhance the NEAR ecosystem by establishing HEROES as a central hub for incentivizing and managing Chain Abstraction & AI related content creation.

  • Core Programs & Alignment with NDC’s Vision: Implements various content bounties through the heroes.build platform, directly supporting NEAR Digital Collective’s goals of community engagement and ecosystem growth.

  • Requested Budget: $10,000 for the next 1 month to launch and operate initial content bounties.

Goals and Roadmap

  • Problem Statement: Addressing the lack of a structured platform for incentivizing specialized content creation in the NEAR ecosystem.

  • DAO Charter & NDC Goals Alignment: NEARWEEK will administer a range of content bounties to increase both volume and quality of ecosystem-specific content, driving community education and engagement.

  • Milestones: Launch content bounties, refine operations based on feedback, and scale up for more complex content projects.

Section 7. Budget

Activity Type Description Unit Cost (USDC) Quantity Total Cost (USDC)
Deep Dive Blogposts In-depth articles on Chain Abstraction & AI $300 10 $3,000
Meme Competition Submission rewards for meme-based engagement $10 100 $1,000
Small Article Bounties Shorter articles and updates $50 40 $2,000
Video Content Short videos for social media $200 10 $2,000
Infographic Creation Visual content for key concepts and data $200 10 $2,000
Total for May $10,000

Content Item explanation:

  • Deep Dive Blogposts or X threads: These are substantial articles requiring detailed research, making up a significant portion of the content budget.

  • Meme Competition: A light-hearted way to engage the community with rewards for each winning entry.

  • Small Content Bounties: Encourages production of shorter articles

  • Video Content: Creation of short, engaging videos tailored for social media to amplify the content’s reach

  • Infographic Creation: Develops visual content to simplify complex topics

Section 8. Project/DAO longevity

  • Beyond the free services that NEARWEEK is already offering to the NEAR ecosystem, this proposal should be viewed as an extraordinary Chain Abstraction and AI content push. Based on performance metrics such as impressions on X, we will together with Marketing DAO and the NEAR community evaluate if it’s meaningful to do such further extraordinary content pushes in the future.

Hi @Gus thank you for your proposal. The MDAO appreciates the opportunity to work with NEARWEEK and i am happy to support.

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Hi @Gus thanks for the proposal. Happy to support. This is a very positive initiative, and I think it has the potential to accomplish many of the objectives of the bounty program the MDAO ran earlier in the year on Heroes. I think your team has the operational structure and relationships with service providers to deploy a content program efficiently and effectively. I look forward to seeing how this develops!