[Closed] NEAR China Community November Proposal

Dear Marketing DAO team @Dacha @MarcusNEAR @blaze @johanga @RussLive215, please check NEAR China community September proposal below.

Guild Name: NEAR China Community

About NEAR China Community: NEAR China Community is the second-largest regional community, boasting a robust community of over 13,000 members across Telegram and WeChat groups. As pioneers of the NEAR regional community, we have achieved remarkable growth over the course of three years.

Social Media: Our presence across social media platforms is thriving, showcasing the active engagement of Chinese community members

Our Mission:

Our core mission centers around elevating NEAR as the leading Layer1 within the Chinese market. To accomplish this mission, we have consistently made significant strides in fostering user growth, cultivating and onboarding Chinese developers, and promoting NEAR ecosystem projects.

Our Achievements:

  • China Offline Events: join and organize at least 3 offline events in China every year, including prestigious gatherings the 2023 Hong Kong Web3 festival, Rust CC Developer Conference, Wanxiang Blockchain Week, etc.
  • China Community Operations and Engagement: host at least one community campaign per week, engaging our members with quizzes, giveaways, and community games.
  • Support and Promote NEAR projects: To boost NEAR projects, we regularly host AMA every two weeks, featuring esteemed projects and organizations like LiNEAR, MetaPool, Pembrock, Spin, Sender Wallet, Here Wallet, and others.
  • Developer Courses and Workshops: We organize monthly NEAR Certified developer courses and weekly developer workshops, fostering the growth of skilled developers within the community. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/o4WSfwhpbX1lJbSpq8cO0g

Our Goals and Focus for November

  1. Accounts Retention

  • Aim to retain 30% on-boarded accounts.
  1. Account Acquisition
  • Cost — target to control acquisition cost 5 USDC per account
  1. dApps Engagement
  • Ensure that 30% of accounts retained can interact with more than one dApp in the NEAR ecosystem
  1. Social Engagement Score
  • Increase 10% compound metric of the number of posts, likes, and followers/views in our social media channels, including Twitter, Telegram, WeChat, and NEAR Social

Our previous Proposal

Strategy and Funding Distribution

  1. Accounts onboarding and Retention
  • Onboarding Campaigns: Create engaging marketing campaigns and online events (like quizzes and challenges on NEAR Social) that incentivize new accounts and community members to stay active. Will also use Keypom and other tools to onboard new accounts.
  • Community management and support: Retain and engage with our existing 13K+ members in the Chinese Community. Also, 4 moderators for telegram and WeChat groups, can provide online support 12 hours a day, 7 days a week to help users retain.
  1. dApps Engagement
  • Promote NEAR dapps via campaigns: Introduce dapps through AMA(Twitter Space/ Telegram chat)or corporate campaigns to encourage users
  • BOS component / Near Social: Orgnize Chinese developers and builders to use BOS widgets by setting bounties for the community, widgets events, and Near social contests
  1. Social Engagement Score
  • NEAR Content translation and generation: posting on Near.Social/ telegram/ Twitter: over 15 articles per month.
  • Social media operation: Daily posts, interaction with community members, and other ecosystem accounts.

Funding scheme

As one of the largest regional communities, our original budget request amounts are listed below:

Content Details USD per month
Social Media Operation Daily content release, interaction with followers, and other NEAR projects (Telegram/ Twitter/ NEAR.Social) 1000
Content translation and localization NEAR blogs and social media content 1000
Community operation 4 moderators for both telegram groups and WeChat groups, online 12 hours a day, 7 days a week 1000
Community activities Onboarding & Marketing & BOS building campaign/events planning, execution, and rewards 3000

Since the NEAR NDC RC DAO funding request process is in transition, we request a budget of 3,000 USD for November.

DAO address: near-china-community.sputnik-dao.near


NEAR China has recently received grant approval from DevHub, making it the first project to be part of the Decentralized Devrels program. For more details, you can refer to the following link: gigs-board.pages.Post by devgovgigs.near | Near Social

Our DevHub proposal focusess on Developer Educational Program and workshops, which are not included in the MDao proposal. The funding request from DevHub specifically caters to our Dev Rel initiatives, aligning with DevHub’s objectives and OKRs. Please reach out to us or comment below if you have any questions.

Hi. You have already received a grant from the Devhub, why are you asking for a second payment for one work?

Council Marketing DAO. Near China has already received $33,000 from DevHub :eyes:

Look in near social:

Hello, where we can find all of these details? Thanks!

Hi @murphy1 thanks for the proposal. Can you comment on the DevHub grant?

A few other requests are necessary for me to review this proposal in full:

  • Please post a link to your report for October funding on the forum and link it in this post
  • You mentioned Dev workshops and courses/trainings above as achievements, but this link goes to a page that was last active September 2022.
  • Can you clarify your community’s relationship with the content on Near Portal? It looks mostly like automatically translated content from 3rd party sources. How is your team involved?


Thank you for your proposal. While I await your response to some of the concerns raised, I would like to see your reports, and your on-chain participation last month is discouraged too

Yes, we are honored to be the first community that join in DevHub partner program! The partner program with devhub is the result of our 3-month-long communication. Thanks for the trust and support of DevHub: https://twitter.com/NEARDevHub/status/1720424190077968612

Like you can see in our introduction, NEAR China Hub not only has a large user community, our developer community has also been in operation for over 2 years, helping NEAR onboard and educate Chinese developers. Devhub grants will only be used in chinese developer-related activities and education. More details on the funding application for the dev hub partner program can be found in our public post on NEAR Social: gigs-board.pages.Post by devgovgigs.near | Near Social

The application we’ve applied here is for chinese user community of over 10,000 members. It’s seprated from DevRel grant with different targeted audience and KPIs.

Hi DK, please check out here: gigs-board.pages.Post by devgovgigs.near | Near Social

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Hi! Thanks for your question.DevHub grant related clarification have been posted here: [Proposal] NEAR China Community November Proposal - #6 by murphy1

  1. Here is our October report: [Report] NEAR China Community October Report

  2. We’ve been doing developer courses consistently since 2021, and this link was produced to encourage developers to join the courses at our early stage. Now our existing developers will invite new members to participate in the course and workshop, and we‘re also onboarding web2 developers to courses and workshops through some offline developer events.

If you want to check developer certification course and workshops, you can visit: NEAR中文社区的个人空间-NEAR中文社区个人主页-哔哩哔哩视频
I believe the above videos can better help you learn more about our work. If there are still questions, I can also invite you to join our WeChat group to check the history of messages :slight_smile:

  1. Nearportal (https://nearportal.com/) is developed by our team and we actively manage the Chinese content. We didn’t use automatic translation for the Chinese blog posts. We built the website for content curation and to avoid necessary restrictions from the chinese internet censorship. we also opened near portal for the Vietnamese and Korean communities to provide more options for content publication

Hi Bakaka, Here is our October report: [Report] NEAR China Community October Report :slight_smile:

Hi @murphy1 thank you for your proposal. Firstly, congratulations on successful funding request to DevHub. As we have limited funds available for this month and we are trying to ensure that we are funding projects across the community - unfortunately i am unable to support your proposal at this time.

Hello, @cryptocredit!

NEAR has established DevHub and MDAO with the intention of providing support to the community and organization in various ways. As one of the most longstanding regional communities, NEAR China has been actively contributing for over two years and possesses the necessary resources and capabilities to assist both the developer and user communities.

In my perspective, it is crucial to back contributions that can benefit the NEAR ecosystem. DevHub has been instrumental in funding the developer side of the Chinese community, but it’s important to emphasize that our user community operates in a distinct realm. There is no conflict between these two areas of work, and they should not be confused when it comes to funding considerations.

Over the past three months, we have collaborated closely with NDC. Despite the limited funding from MDAO, we have been self-funding to sustain the Chinese community, and we have only recently received grants from DevHub this month. If you have been tracking our proposals since August, you will notice that our actions have consistently supported the development of NEAR.

The blockchain industry is highly competitive, and we should not allow funding constraints to hinder the progress of our ecosystem and community. I kindly request that you reconsider your decision.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Thank you MDao for the continuous support for the past few months. While we appreciate the decisions made by the council members, we would like to address a few points:

  1. In our DevHub proposal, we emphasized the significance of our Developer Educational Program and workshops, which were not included in the MDao proposal. The funding request from DevHub specifically caters to our Dev Rel initiatives, aligning with DevHub’s objectives and OKRs. Could you please clarify if receiving funding from DevHub would restrict our ability to apply for funding from MDao?

  2. With the introduction of the Grassroot DAO, we are curious to understand the role of MDao in NEAR’s ecosystem development. Both Grassroot DAO and MDao share similar OKRs. As community builders, it would be helpful for us to differentiate between the two DAOs.

  3. Upon reviewing all the proposals in MDao, we noticed that most of the council members’ replies and revisions focused primarily on budgeting or breakdown, rather than providing substantive suggestions regarding marketing. As far as our understanding goes, the initial objectives of MDao are to enable NEAR Communities and Projects to achieve their marketing goals, which encompass various aspects such as Social Media, Advertising, Blogs, Events, etc. At present, MDao’s funding guide and OKRs appear somewhat unclear.

We value your insights and would appreciate any clarification or guidance you can provide regarding these points. Thank you.

Could you please clarify if receiving funding from DevHub would restrict our ability to apply for funding from MDao?

@3UN1C3 Without disclosing other grants received for the same team from a different source already, your actions are classified as grant hunters. Upd: After some offline clarifications and update added to the original post (see “CLARIFICATION” section), I believe there was a miscommunication around double-funding. “NEAR community” and “NEAR dev community” often used interchangeably, but in this case they are different audiences and NEAR China wants to target these two diverse auditories. DevHub is mostly concerned about NEAR dev communities, so it is up to MDAO members to make a call here and align on goals and metrics.

The proposal you posted here is aligned with the deliverables you have posted on DevHub:

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Just to notify those who are subscribed to this thread, I want to mention that @murphy1 added “CLARIFICATIONS” section to the original post per DevHub’s request, and I have updated my comment as well.

Hi @murphy1 thanks for adding the clarifications and answering the questions posed by the community. I do think receiving significant amounts of funds from multiple sources in the ecosystem at the same time can raise red flags and warrant additional questions. That said, I can support this proposal for another month (note that funding is not guaranteed month after month) based on the answers you provided to the questions and that it seems like an important milestone moment for your community - especially due to the Dev grant. Others may not agree with me, but in my view we are in a moment where active communities with clear developer programs should be bolstered as we move through this transitional phase towards v1 governance.