[Approved] Mini-games Play Portal on NEAR/BOS

Mini-games Play Portal on NEAR/BOS
Milestone 1. December, 2023 - January 2024


This proposal is filed as part of the NF Grassroots initiative.

Launch popular mini-games (2048, Wordl, Bet), and community Play portal on NEAR/BOS in several Milestones, supporting with engagement community support, utilizing specific NEAR NFTs for gameplay, and aligning with the whole NDC strategy. The primary aim of the portal and games is to encourage organic on-chain and social community growth while developing apps on NEAR Protocol/BOS.

We aim to expand our inclusive, welcoming, and supportive community within the NEAR ecosystem by building our mini-games on NEAR.
Launching the play portal on BOS - is a further effort to contribute to the growth of the NEAR community and increase its on-chain activity.


  1. We propose to deploy our existing dapps (in Milestone1 - 2048, further - Wordle, Bet, and the Portal itself) on BOS, and to support with community engagement and technical updates, to continue promoting innovation within the community and creating new opportunities for users to interact with NEAR Protocol.
  2. To build new games on the portal with registration via i-am-human.app and utilizing IAH SBTs to play the game

2048 game on BOS

twenty48.app is a completely on-chain and extra challenging version of the popular 2048 game, built on the Aurora blockchain by Aurora Community.
Rules: players must combine cells within the game board, using cells in multiples of two or four. The aim of the game is to reach the 2048 cell. The game continues until a player reaches the 2048 cell or higher, or until all moves are exhausted.

Scope of work, Timeline, Costs

Milestone1. December, 2024

  1. Tech development, integration, and support
    – Develop and deploy smart contracts on BOS that are compatible with NEAR (including NDC) NFTs and IAH SBTs
    – Integrate IamHuman onboarding process for user verification and access control
    – Develop and launch real-time multiplayer games with contract connection
    – Regular testing, updates, and improvements of UX
    – Domain & server rent
  2. Art creation/Design
  3. Project management and marketing
    – Oversee project planning, execution, and progress
    – Coordinate team members and ensure deadlines are met
    – Manage budget allocation and track project expenses
    – Reach out to existing NFT projects on NEAR and reach out to collaboration and partnership opportunities
    – Establish joint marketing and promotional activities to boost project visibility and adoption

The next Milestones include:

  1. Community engagement strategy - gamified marketing: 2048-battle - monthly
    The tournament aims to generate interest in NEAR and showcase its advantages to the players.

To participate in the tournament, players must possess SBT NFT - or any other token designed for acquiring gaming credits and reserving spots in the tournament. All acquired gaming credits will be used for purchasing and distributing prizes. To begin playing, players must register and fund their accounts with gaming credits.

The winner will be determined based on the tournament results. The player who reaches the 2048 tile ahead of other players will receive the grand prize. Prizes will also be distributed among players who reach 1024, 512, and 256 tiles.

  1. WORDLE game on BOS - 2 weeks
  2. Play Portal on BOS - 6-8 weeks
  3. Support with community engagement activities and dapps updates
  4. Next new mini-games on BOS

September total budget: 5500$
Target wallet: yoursoulis.near


Hi @Iban thanks for your proposal.

I guess that you mean November? Please update…

Hi @Iban thanks for the proposal. While I like what you’re aiming to do here, I can’t support allocating the requested funds for this project as outlined in the proposal. Here are my reasons:

  • MarketingDAO funding is typically allocated for existing projects with demonstrated audiences and engagement. We do not fund development in most cases.
  • There is very little detail around why the budget lines items are what they are. It seems rather arbitrary (i.e. Art creation/design $1000…for what, we need for detail)
  • Marketing activities around this could potentially receive support from the council if the games/portal were live.

I’d encourage you to reapply for marketing funding once launched.

thank you for your feedback!
we’re applying for the 3rd time and really appreciate your support to start building mini-games for the NEAR Community on BOS and increase trx and community engagement. it’s a grassroots initiative and we hope to apply to Gaming DAO in the future to continue our contribution

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Dear Marketing (Eco) DAO contributor, your application was approved by Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO. The approved proposal included in November’s request to NDC Trust.

Please advise that during this transition period (NDC v0-v1), the following applications’ approval procedure:

Marketing (Eco) DAO November’s funding procedure:

:green_circle: 1. November 9-15th time for proposals from the Community;
:green_circle: 2. By November 15th, reviewing by MDAO councils, approval on governance forum, and creation post-request to NDC (HOM, CoA, NDC trust);
:yellow_circle: 3. November 15th-20st reviewing by HOM members and voting on chain;
:red_circle: 4. November 20th, in case of successful approval by HOM, HOM will pass the request to CoA to vote on-chain;
:red_circle: 5. November 20nd-26th – reviewing and voting by CoA;
:red_circle: 6. Once the CoA gives its approval, the Trustees will carry out the transaction, provided that the expenses align with the Trust’s objectives;
:red_circle: 7. KYC can be required for new applicants.

Disclaimer: some timelines can be changed due to the transition V0-V1 period.

So, during this time, please

VOTE :rocket:! To unlock funding for Community.


Support new Grassroots DAOs


  1. Fill out the form to pass KYC KYC Request Form (if not yet)
  2. Wait for future instruction from Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO and an invitation to create a transfer on Astro DAO.
  3. Please join NDC Marketing HUB Telegram: Contact @ndc_marketing
  4. Please get in touch with me on telegram @kmotiv 24/7 if you have any questions.

@Dacha As a Council of Advisors, I wonder how this proposal is aligned with MDAO and NDC v1 objectives?

Hello @frol , this is a part of NF grassroots

Interesting project. If you need a designer, call @Tolmindev :smirk:

Hi @Iban could you share a link to your Report to update on progress. Thanks