[Proposal] Metaverse Building Workshop with Dedeukwushryne - Nearhub and Voxels

greetings @creativesdao-council

This is my proposal for dedeukwushryne DAO. If possible could you add a tag for it?

Proponent: Gustavo Manute

NEAR account for payment: manutegus.near

Project Timeline: August 5th – August 31st

The primary aim of this project is to empower participants with the knowledge and skills required to create metaverse buildings and outfits. We will focus on leveraging Nearhub and Voxels, fostering greater engagement with web3 technologies, and enhancing interaction within our metaverse spaces.

I firmly believe that by educating and involving more individuals in the process of metaverse creation, we can drive increased participation in our metaverse spaces and the utility tools offered by web3 technologies. This, in turn, will foster a more dynamic and vibrant community.

Project Details:
The project entails conducting a series of engaging workshops, divided into four parts, held weekly through Telegram meetings. Each session will provide comprehensive insights into Nearhub and Voxels, equipping participants with the fundamental skills to design buildings and wearables. These creations will later be distributed to both participants and the broader community.


  1. August 9th: Workshop 1 - Introduction and Navigation
  • Covers the basics of Nearhub and Voxels, ensuring participants are familiar with navigation and essential tools.
  1. August 14th: Workshop 2 - Creating Wearables
  • Focuses on the process of designing and crafting unique wearables, adding flair to their avatars.
  1. August 16th: Workshop 3 - In-world Features and Building Tools
  • Delves into more advanced techniques, exploring in-world features and additional building tools.
  1. August 30th: Workshop 4 - Linking NFTs and Hyperlink Spaces
  • Explores the integration of NFTs and the creation of hyperlink spaces, connecting different metaverse elements seamlessly.

Budget: An allocation of $200 USD in NEAR tokens is proposed for the hosting of workshops, creating essential materials, and ensuring the success of the initiative.

Final Products: Upon completion of the workshops, participants will receive NFTs containing the content produced during the sessions. Additionally, the project will culminate in the establishment of a Nearhub space and a Voxels space, connected through hyperlinks. Furthermore, wearable items created during the workshops will be issued as Proof of Attendance (POAP) NFTs, rewarding and recognizing the active participants.

Through this project, we endeavor to foster creativity, collaboration, and knowledge sharing within our community. By empowering individuals with the skills to build and design within the metaverse, we aim to create a more inclusive and exciting virtual environment.

Here are some of our previous activities and workshops

special thanks to @Dedeukwu and @NFTMuse who has been great friends and partners and all the Dedeukwushryne community. Yall have been awesome!