Project title : [Give me a hand ] One-liner : Fund your creativity in just a couple of taps. Project DAO : Metagov DAO Challenge area : Re-imagine the NEAR Community Fund. Project members:
alway.near ( Full-stack Developer with almost 5 year experience )
A friendly way to fund your creativity and makes supporting fun and easy. In just a couple of taps. Your fans can give you some Near and leave a message. Hope to create a passive income source from your fans so you can forget about finances and focus on your creative work and life.
Ideation: will be a Dapp use Near as the backend and complete the process of the transaction as well as page web, account 100% on Near. Users can choose the coin (in Near, etc.), title, message they want to support.
This special feature is:
Support is super easy with just a few clicks.
100% does not save any user private data.
Superfast payment transfer speed ( thanks for Near future a lot)
Extremely low fees for low-priced transactions.
Free and 100% for the community. ( you can choose who will pay the transfer fee )
Additional sections
We are also looking for a teammate
This is just a preliminary idea, hope everyone can comment and give a lot of feedback to bring this idea into reality .
Thanks for reading. Hope you guys have a great day
Seems like a positive rewards system for a community to support creativity. Would love more details on how these tokens will be used within the community. For example, how many tokens will be minted or how will people trade the tokens they receive?
Thanks for the proposal @duythien0912 ! I’d love to understand better how creators will be able to use the tokens once they have them, and whether you’re seeing them as being available on swap marketplaces. (How) Do you envision building liquidity into the community?
Thx for the elaboration @duythien0912 - so are you proposing that artists could create tokens on this Dapp? Moving forward into further stages, I’d love to understand what social token functions you envision. Happy to give more feedback as you build out your roadmap. Do you see this as perhaps a mix between Patreon and the tipping that is in QQ Music and is coming to Twitter, Instagram, etc.?
Hi @duythien0912 is the new proposal #28 at Metagov DAO? Because it’s still targeting alway.near as opposed to a ______.sputnikdao.near address! You can still submit a new payout proposal, it just has to target a Sputnik DAO!