[PROPOSAL] História de Bagagem DOC

Hello CUDO DAO friends,

Following the project activities started in August 2022 and looking for the new “Creatives DAO” funding, we are going to the next phase of the DOC Baggage Story.

For now, our expectation is to create a short film with 4 characters (immigrants living in Lisbon) talking about their experience living in Portugal’s capital. This film will be made in partnership with MyNews, a large Brazilian company interested in starting to create content in their Portuguese branch.

Consolidating a partnership between CUDO DAO and MyNews means creating the possibility to keep our projects alive and more jobs for our community. It is also an important opportunity for NEAR to be the most important sponsor of this promising news channel.

To make this new film possible, we will save from our budget the following amounts:

Captura de Tela 2023-02-27 às 21.57.57

Until there, you can watch the playlist with the originals HIstória de Bagagem recorded up to now:

Let us know what you think about this project and feel free to help us create more and more content on CUDO DAO. Also, follow us on our social networks
Instagram and YouTube