[PROPOSAL] Green Shoots - Bring Reforestation projects to life with NFTs

Thank you Maria - I appreciate the detailed feedback and follow up questions. We will change funding requests to USD from NEAR and address your questions in a subsequent post.

Part of our idea for the grant was to find collaborators who want to help us flush out details and address planning questions like what you asked, but if you’d rather we do some more planning prior to the grant I understand and we can work with that.

We’d certainly be open the DAO approach, would need to better understand how the DOA interacts with the physical project since the execution of the reforestation itself will be reliant on people on the ground making decisions in real time. If there is someone your team who can walk us through some of the details we could better evaluate that idea.


Hey there,

so generally a DAO is always a nice way to go @marianeu but i also understand that people want to get comfortable within the ecosystem first. So I think starting with a smaller project always helps :slight_smile:

I’ll just leave some links in here for you @schnageler that might be interesting due to the topic:

as well as linking @nvrndr who is working with Clean NFTs :slight_smile:

And as a side note:
looking very much fwd seeing how dis develops, i feel green projects are amazing! Would love to know if the NFTs can be changed with time as well :slight_smile:


This is great thank you @tabear - I checked out the project that @peterFran is working on and it sounds similar to ours, so it’s nice to see a validation of the concept. Since my background and contacts are much more on the physical side (land redevelopment, reforestation, conservation, etc) I will need collaborators on the technical and artistic side.

For example I have access to several sites where I live in Ecuador where a first reforestation/rewilding/conservation project could be launched. I also have sources of funding to start a project or two without the tokenized angle, but I’d much rather do them in parallel (even if my network and I are the ones buying the first batch of tokens) so we can build a platform alongside a first project.

Either way, @marianeu’s suggestion to provide further details on our plans is a logical next step, so will work on that.

I appreciate the ideas and encouragement!


@schnageler I congratulate you, this proposal is a spectacular idea :star_struck:.

As a biologist, I am very interested in following its development, both the results of the pilot project in Ecuador, as well as its state of maturity to continue with other similar projects in the future in tropical areas :sun_with_face: .

I would like to participate in the discussion, if possible as an unrewarded advisor/collaborator, not precisely related to NFTs (maybe yes, I have to learn!), but to suggest that from NEAR Venezuela, your count on us.

We in NEAR Venezuela have the Palmeros de Chacao project:

which has begun with the rehabilitation of a didactic nursery thanks to NEAR, but we have plans to reforest with endemic palms and other tree species. We also have a list of small and medium-sized reforestation projects that could be conducted in the future here in Venezuela (Capital region, caribbean coast), once your platform matures.

But you are not alone, we can join together to work on it. Thus, I can suggest the support of our leader @FritzWorm of NEAR Hispano and NEAR Venezuela. Likewise, join us, with @Butneversaved whom you can start to found NEAR Ecuador, he is also an expert in MetaPool, and Mintbase. That would be a great help to shoot your green project in parallel!.

I am also a photography enthusiast, although I have not yet ventured into the subject of NFTs, but your idea calls me to investigate and learn, uniting all my skills, including that of being a biologist, for the benefit of all.

I’m also just starting out as an OPNer in the OFP community, so I think the suggestion of @tabear is valid. It seems important to contact the Corpseman Guild, maybe through @rimberjack or @wolfwoodShinji, since we are the community that must expand the development of OFP and other projects related to reforestation programs to sequester carbon.

I will be in contact !!


Looking forward what all of you will create together :green_heart:


@schnageler @tabear sadly changable NFTs are not yet a reality on mintbase.

Really happy to see the engagement. @jblm Near Ecuador with @Butneversaved sounds optimal. :slight_smile:


Hi @jblm - so glad you believe in the idea and we are appreciative of your offer of support. As you mentioned there are so many of these smaller and medium sized projects which only lack funding and a little momentum for them to take off - and the benefits are so significant and varied.

Your Palmeros project sounds wonderful! And similar to one I am planning where I live here in Ecuador, but I hadn’t considered a DAO structure for funding and governance that you are using. I’m going to think about this more and perhaps post here on NEAR for input.

I’m also interested your idea of NEAR Ecuador and am looking for someone with the technical skills it sounds like @butneversaved may have those.

I’m working on refining the proposal per @marianeu and @tabear ‘s suggestions and I really appreciate these ideas


Sounds absolutely great!

Wishing everyone a great start to the week. Here’s a little inspiration, couldn’t this spot use some more trees?


Hola a todos! :rocket:

Disculpen. Esta vez voy a responder en español (… ahora contamos con el botón de traducción automática! gracias al ímpetu de @David_NEAR). Voy a regalarles mi apreciación más profunda desde mi experiencia como fotógrafo de la naturaleza y como científico.

Tener solamente fotógrafos locales sería lo ideal, reduciría los costos de financiamiento inicial de esta propuesta. En la ausencia de fotógrafos locales, el trabajo lo tendría que realizar un solo fotógrafo con costosos gastos de manutención hacia sitios remotos donde los proyectos se desarrollan (transporte, alojamiento y alimentación).

Sin embargo, para que estos fotógrafos hagan su trabajo, tomar el concepto que persigue la propuesta, deberían tener este perfil: conocimiento básico sobre la apreciación de la naturaleza y la terminología biológica asociada. A falta de este perfil, necesitan unas pautas o instrucciones, sobre qué motivos, sujetos y detalles biológicos deben ser fotografiados para hacer seguimiento al éxito del programa de reforestación mediano o pequeño.

Estas pautas se pueden tener en la forma de videoconferencias, vídeos demostrativos, o sino una guía ilustrada con ejemplos en un blog o documento digital portable (PDF). En lugar de un fotógrafo general, esto es tarea para un creador de contenido de la naturaleza debidamente asesorado. Los elementos estéticos son materia del fotógrafo. Me parece muy útil explicar en más detalle esto, con el fin de conectar a nuestros miembros de la comunidad de NEAR con el mundo natural y real.

Es posible identificar dos sujetos o destinos fotográficos:

  1. A nivel del stand o parcela de reforestación, es decir, el aspecto general o fisionomía de la vegetación. Esta puede ser un cultivo monoespecífico (una única especie sembrada, i.e., monocultivo) o multiespecífico (varias especies de plantas, lo típico en regiones tropicales). Esto es un ensamblaje o conjunto de plantas utilizadas en la reforestación, la comunidad ecológica como unidad.

  2. A nivel de la especie sembrada. Cada especie sembrada posee unos atributos característicos propios que pueden ser registrados.

Si nos basamos en los cambios temporales en el desarrollo y crecimiento de los árboles, podemos distinguir según el sujeto: fenología de la vegetación y fenología de la especie.

Pero, ¿Qué es la Fenología?
Es una disciplina de la ecología que registra y estudia los cambios vegetativos y reproductivos de las especies de plantas, animales o comunidades ecológicas en función del clima y el tiempo. Aplicado a las plantas, los cambios en edad o talla, desde la germinación de las semillas, pasando por las plántulas hasta el árbol maduro. Los patrones de ramificación. La pérdida y ganancia de nuevo follaje, según si las especies son perennes, estacionales, o ambas. La aparición y aspecto de las flores, los frutos o la dispersión de las semillas. La germinación de las semillas y la generación de relevo.

¿Cuál es el valor estético de esos atributos?
Hacer fotografías de todo eso a medida que crecen y maduran los árboles. El registro fotográfico de estos cambios genera hermosos motivos estéticos con abundancia de colores, no solo el verde del follaje. Tan importante como el valor estético que intenta registrar el fotógrafo/artista, también lo es el registro de esos atributos. Se puede añadir valor artístico adicional combinando con cómo la fauna (insectos, aves y mamíferos), aparece o responde ante esos cambios en el crecimiento y desarrollo. Es interesante ver a los polinizadores de las flores y los dispersores de frutos y semillas. Incluso, otras ayudas que vienen de la creatividad e imaginación del fotógrafo (al amanecer, al atardecer, de día, de noche, a la luz de la luna, con la luna al fondo, paisajes al fondo, etc). Todas estas ideas ayudan a explorar la evolución del programa de reforestación hacia el éxito, sumado a un gran entusiasmo y alegría en nuestra vida. :rofl:

He consultado esto con nuestros expertos en NFT de NEAR Venezuela (@Jloc @Mineriavirtual). Un único NFT ya creado no puede ser alterado, no puede ser actualizado cambiando la fotografía, por ejemplo, árbol por plántula. Un único NFT no tiene que cambiar. En lugar de ello, lo que es posible hacer es una colección o serie de NFT’s, cada uno con una fotografía mostrando un atributo distinto por sujeto. El número de elementos de las serie podría ser fijado previamente en función de atributos únicos a registrar, o podría ser variable para ajustarse libremente a cada sujeto según progrese la reforestación a largo plazo (estamos hablando de días, meses, años, décadas, como unidades de tiempo).

Cuando se crea cada NFT, dentro del contrato inteligente de la blockchain debe registrarse cómo los elementos de la serie están relacionados en progresión temporal. Esto depende de los metadatos mínimos que requiere el sistema utilizado (si es MintBase u otro conocido). Si la información a registrar para cada serie o sus elementos, supera la capacidad de esos metadatos, entonces ya estamos hablando de otra plataforma que no existe. Por tanto se necesitan desarrolladores en su propia NEAR blockchain para hacerla una realidad. Es decir, podría requerirse un desarrollo previo y novedoso del contrato inteligente para cada serie fotográfica, que incluya en los metadatos, por ejemplo:

  1. Nombre del Proyecto de reforestación
  2. Localización/georreferenciación
  3. Fecha de la toma fotográfica (o marca de tiempo)
  4. Tipo de sujeto fotográfico (stand o especie de planta)
  5. Motivo fotografiado (según su biología, fenología, arte)

Esto tendría el objetivo de conectar entre si las fotografías, NFT’s o elementos de la serie y darles sentido. También podría ser un archivo de texto conteniendo estos datos y los hash de cada elemento de la serie NFT. Eso es lo apropiado para un NFT serial, cómo crecen los árboles con el paso del tiempo [ejemplo: :seedling: :herb: :deciduous_tree: :rosette: :eggplant:]

¿Cómo hacer esta idea autosustentable?

  1. Haciendo que por el valor otorgado a los NFT’s creados, el fotógrafo obtenga recompensas y las pueda reinvertir en obtener más fotografías y más NFT’s.
  2. Haciendo que participen validadores para mantener la calidad de los metadatos y obtengan una recompensa por esto.
  3. Haciendo que otros consumidores (científicos, ambientalistas, ciudadanos, etc.) adquieran/compren los NTF’s y la información tan valiosa que contienen.

Esto suena a un prototipo o proyecto híbrido entre Open Forest Protocol (utilizando herramientas MRV: “measurement, reporting, and verification”) y una red fenológica mundial en la blockchain, que creo todavía no existe.

Mientras secuestramos el carbono atmosférico en los tejidos de los árboles, cómo medida de mitigación del cambio climático, se monitorea el clima en respuesta a los cambios de temperatura por efecto de los niveles del CO2 atmosférico. Esto es lo que están haciendo los científicos del clima y los ecólogos en este momento.

Seguimos en contacto, un saludo


Hi all! :rocket:

Originally, I had made this reply in my native language (spanish), but I have discovered that the automatic translation button does not translate all the content when the text is very long (ups!, @David_NEAR ). But, this limitation may also have other languages other than English, or Spanish. Sorry…

So I decided to rewrite it in English, because I think it’s important to pass on my knowledge to everyone. Here, I am going to give you my deepest appreciation from my experience as a nature photographer and as a scientist.

Having only local photographers would be ideal, it would reduce the initial financing costs of this proposal. In the absence of local photographers, the work would have to be done by a single photographer with expensive living to remote sites where the projects are developed (transportation, accommodation and food).

However, for these photographers to do their job, take the concept pursued by the proposal, they should have this profile: basic knowledge about the appreciation of nature and the associated biological terminology. In the absence of this profile, they need some guidelines or instructions on what motives, subjects and biological details should be photographed to monitor the success of the medium or small reforestation program.

These guidelines can be in the form of videoconferences, demonstration videos, or else an illustrated guide with examples in a blog or portable digital document (PDF). Rather than a general photographer, this is the job of a properly advised nature content creator. Aesthetic elements are the subject of the photographer. I find it very useful to explain this in more detail, in order to connect our NEAR community members with the natural and real world.

Two photographic subjects or destinations can be identified:

  1. At the level of the stand or reforestation plot, that is, the general appearance or physiognomy of the vegetation. This can be a monospecific crop (a single planted species, i.e., monoculture) or multispecific (several species of plants, typical in tropical regions). This is an assemblage or set of plants used in reforestation, the ecological community as a unit.

  2. At the level of the planted species. Each planted species has its own characteristic attributes that can be recorded.

If we base ourselves on the temporary changes in the development and growth of trees, we can distinguish according to the subject: phenology of the vegetation and phenology of the species.

But, What is Phenology?
It is a discipline of ecology that records and studies the vegetative and reproductive changes of plant species, animals or ecological communities as a function of climate and time. Applied to plants, the changes in age or size, from the germination of the seeds, through the seedlings to the mature tree. Branching patterns. The loss and gain of new foliage, depending on whether the species is perennial, seasonal, or both. The appearance and aspect of the flowers, the fruits or the dispersion of the seeds. Seed germination and relay generation.

What is the aesthetic value of those attributes?
Take pictures of all of that as the trees grow and mature. The photographic record of these changes generates beautiful aesthetic motifs with an abundance of colors, not just the green of the foliage. As important as the aesthetic value that the photographer/artist tries to record, so is the recording of those attributes. Additional artistic value can be added by combining with how fauna (insects, birds, and mammals) appear or respond to these changes in growth and development. It is interesting to see the pollinators of flowers and the dispersers of fruits and seeds. Even other aids that come from the creativity and imagination of the photographer (at dawn, at dusk, during the day, at night, in the light of the moon, with the moon in the background, landscapes in the background, etc). All these ideas help to explore the evolution of the reforestation program towards success, added to great enthusiasm and joy in our lives. :rofl:

I have consulted this with our NFT experts from NEAR Venezuela (@Jloc @Mineriavirtual). A single NFT already created cannot be altered, it cannot be updated by changing the photo, for example, tree by seedling. A single NFT does not have to change. Instead, what is possible is a collection or series of NFT’s, each with a photo displaying a different attribute per subject. The number of elements in the series could be previously set based on unique attributes to be recorded, or could be variable to adjust freely to each subject as long-term reforestation progresses (we are talking about days, months, years, decades, as units of time).

When each NFT is created, within the blockchain smart contract it must be recorded how the elements of the series are related in time progression. This depends on the minimum metadata required by the system used (if it is MintBase or another known one). If the information to be recorded for each series or its elements exceeds the capacity of these metadata, then we are already talking about another platform that does not exist. Therefore developers are needed on their own NEAR blockchain to make it a reality. That is, a previous and novel development of the smart contract could be required for each photographic series, which includes in the metadata, for example:

  1. Name of the reforestation project
  2. Location/georeferencing
  3. Date of photographic taking (or timestamp)
  4. Type of photographic subject (stand or plant species)
  5. Subject photographed (according to its biology, phenology, art)

This would have the objective of connecting the photographs, NFT’s or elements of the series with each other and giving them meaning. It could also be a text file containing this data and the hashes of each element of the NFT series. That’s what’s appropriate for a serial NFT, how trees grow over time [example: :seedling: :herb: :deciduous_tree: :rosette: :eggplant:]

How ​​to make this idea self-sustaining?

  1. Making that for the value given to the NFT’s created, the photographer obtains rewards and can reinvest them in obtaining more photographs and more NFT’s.
  2. Engaging validators to maintain metadata quality and getting rewarded for this.
  3. Making other consumers (scientists, environmentalists, citizens, etc.) acquire/buy the NTF’s and the valuable information they contain.

This sounds like a prototype or hybrid project between Open Forest Protocol (using MRV tools: “measurement, reporting, and verification”) and a global phenological network on the blockchain, which I believe does not yet exist.

While we sequester atmospheric carbon in the tissues of trees, as a climate change mitigation measure, the climate is monitored in response to changes in temperature due to the effect of atmospheric CO2 levels. This is what climate scientists and ecologists are doing right now.

We keep in touch, greetings


Hi Maria,

Here are answers to the questions you raise. If you’d like me to incorporate these into the original post, I can post a complete proposal that includes the answers.

“Here we are talking about 150 USD ±, going to a photographer that lives close to the site, in Ecuador. This person would then lead the artistic elements. Ok, what does that mean exactly? What are her/his tasks?
What does the Artistic Plan for Pilot Project hold in terms of information and planning?”

=> I envision that the $150 USD reward go to a photographer who is not local. As @jblm notes below, it will be essential to include local photographers in the project itself, but since I live in a relatively small town with little involvement in crypto/NFTs, I do not think it’s realistic to find a photographer who has the base knowledge of crypto/NFTs to develop the Artistic Plan for the site. In time of course the hope is that this changes and local photographers could create plans for subsequent projects, and I would want to involve a local photographer from the outset to work with the person creating the Artistic Plan.

The person leading the Artistic Plan would need to become familiar with the site, but this could be done remotely and would not require a site visit. At this stage, some knowledge of crypto/NFTs is more important than being on site.

I would expect the plan to include the following:

  • Number of vantage points and specific locations to be photographed during the project. I would love to incorporate the notion of species evolution as described by @jblm to show not just how the landscape changes, but how individual plants/trees grow and their relation to the local fauna.
  • Describe technical capacity needed to execute the project (camera type, file type, drones if needed, camera traps, etc). Since there is no cell coverage or wifi at the site, we’d need a connectivity plan or simply work offline on site and upload later.
  • Work with technical advisor to ensure that photograph series are planned at regular intervals to meet NFT and photographic objectives.
  • There are likely other aspects of this plan that this person would know need to be included, that I am not aware of.

“here we are talking about giving someone 150 USD to do what? Write down all the things I told you in the last call? If you are thinking about minting the NFTs in another place, not mintbase, then this does not fit into MintbaseDAO interests. If you are minting on Mintbase, would these 15N be given to one of our communication team members? Or to someone that talks to us and puts the information in a document?”

=> We are envisioning that this project use Mintbase. Similar to what @jblm outlined below from his contacts in the NFT space, if changeable NFTs are not possible (which it sounds like is currently the case), then a group of photographic series is probably the best option.

So I would want this person to outline what information must be captured in each photograph and how that photograph then gets minted into an NFT, added to the appropriate series and sent/dropped to the appropriate owner. This should be done with the pilot site in mind.

Perhaps this is more straightforward and obvious than I am making it, but as a non-technical person I would need someone to create more technical specs that can form the base of a guide or handbook for subsequent projects.

This person would also create the basic technical guidelines for the NFT sale prep (see below).

“About phase II: What are these 450 USD intended to pay for? A person opening a store, 6,5N and minting how many tokens? What is the reward for? Will there be active development going on in terms of coding? What will be done with these funds?”

=> Again, as a non-technical person I am looking to lean on experts in this world to help create a replicable process for subsequent projects, using the pilot here in Ecuador as the test case. During Phase I, I would expect to collaborate with the artistic and technical leads to develop the specs and criteria for exactly what Phase II would look like. As the project takes shape, we’ll need to tell our marketing/fundraising story to get potential NFT buyers excited about the project, create copy and images and graphics for a (presumably) website describing and promoting the project and the Mintbase store. Again, on this last piece I am not as familiar with the process so cannot currently speak to the exact details regarding coding, etc. I am looking for technical guidance from the assembled team.

"So then the photographer person from phase I needs to travel to the site. But I had understood the person lives close to the site. Why does the person need 500 USD for traveling?

Why do we need 3 photographers and the first photographer to take pictures of the same location?"

=> As noted above, the first Artistic lead would more than likely not be local, so in this phase a site visit would be required. Since the site itself is large with many areas to be photographed, a team approach to the actual photography is preferred. Especially since some photographs/vantage points may require the use of equipment like drones and camera traps (due to inaccessible terrain or desired subjects), multiple photographers is preferred. Involving more local artists would also serve to grow the NFT and NEAR communities where I live in Ecuador.

I hope these answers help clarify the project needs. As I may have mentioned on our call, the funds here are to help assemble the team and develop our execution plan and since this is a larger project, I would use my personal funds to supplement what is provided by NEAR since I am expecting the time and costs required to greatly outpace the amounts listed here.


Hi @jblm - I so appreciate the consideration and ideas (in both languages!). As you note at the end, I think a variety of photographic series that document the breadth of the impact of the project will be important to attracting interested NFT buyers and collaborators.

For this reason I think the ideal artistic lead should be able to pull from photography, NFT and ecological experiences.

I look forward to @marianeu 's response and input so we can continue pushing forward.


Hello @SChamat you can join and ping me in the TENK bay discord if you need any further advisory on NFT related projects TENK Bay | NEAR josel | NEAR#2233

Hey @schnageler, as said before, this project seems really fine, just needs a bit of synthesizing (I mean making it shorter & easier to comprehend).

also @Dazo is connected to many photographers in the space, he might be able to help you find one in ecuador.

as soon as you figure out how to do it with the nfts & change in the space & activation of community, please re-write your proposal in a shorter and more comprehensible way, demosntrating how you will use the NFTs and how it will benefit the local community.

thank you


OK thank you @marianeu we will keep working on the NFT side and come back when that is a bit further along.


thank you again @schnageler! We need projects that actually do something for the local ecosystem & community

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En efecto, estoy en planes de crear NEAR Ecuador, estoy reuniendo un Equipo, para hacerlo posible y si no, emprendiendo uno mismo el camino, Gracias a @jblm por la mención!

@kearteaga hey bro, you can check this?

Hola @marianeu, @kearteaga es un amigo muy cercano, sus hobbies como el diseño grafico y la fotografía pueden ayudar asentar mas la idea de NEAR Ecuador y contribuir en Green Shoots @schnageler


Ecuador es rico en paisajes, cultura, atmosfera, la gente es muy cordial, como lo cite antes @kearteaga es un amigo cercano de la Universidad que puede contribuir como Fotógrafo, editor, diseño grafico.

Rescato el comentario de @marianeu de hacer esto mas sencillo, compacto, para un mejor entendimiento de aquellos que leen el post y para donde ira el proyecto.


sounds good @Butneversaved :slight_smile:

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