[CONCLUDED] Free dramaturgical adaptation of the work of Murilo Rubião (September, 2022)

Hi, guys!
I am sending below a proposal for a dramaturgical adaptation for this month of September. Any doubts I am available.

Hope you like it!! :pray:

Proponent: Johnny Faustino
NEAR account for payment: johnfaus.near
Duration: 29 days (September, 19th at Octuber, 17th)
Requested Amount: 500 USD in NEAR/DAI

Project name: Free dramaturgical adaptation of the work of Murilo Rubião.

Objectives: Writing the text of a play inspired by the work of Brazilian short story writer Murilo Rubião, with the intersection of visual stimuli from works by surrealist artists such as Max Ernst, Frida Kahlo and René Magritte. And perform a drama broadcast exclusively on the NEAR Hub.

In recent times my work partner @eliaspintanel and I have been working very hard on the theater writing process, as well as ways of disseminating the writing techniques used and the results obtained. So far, we have limited ourselves to producing works of short duration, this being the case of the plays in one act that had the focus of the region as the main guide, as can be seen by the two Latin American trilogies we have written in recent months.

However, there is in us the desire to venture into a writing process that lasts longer and that radically diversifies in themes and influences. This desire turned our gaze to a Brazilian short story writer named Murilo Rubião - notorious, but of limited work, as he spent his life rewriting the only 33 short stories he produced. The author is one of the greatest exponents of Brazilian fantastic literature, even when it was written by a few in our country.

We also wanted to experience a more abundant writing process in the construction of images, and as fantastic literature aligns, to some extent, with surrealism, we selected some painters of the movement who, for us, are fed up with unusual and provocative images.

Thus, the proposal I am submitting is this: to write a play inspired by the work of Murilo Rubião, influenced by visual stimuli from surrealist painters, such as Max Ernst, Frida Kahlo and René Magritte.

The result of this text is the beginning of a research work that will continue with Notívagos Burlescos DAO, where we will assemble the piece. However, to experience another way to integrate the NEAR ecosystem into physical theater projects, we will be doing a live drama reading that will only be shown on the NEAR Hub. So, for viewers who want to watch but don’t have a NEAR wallet we will be offering up to 20 NEAR Drop links with up to 1NEAR each so they can watch the reading on the NEAR Hub. While the amount of audience outside the ecosystem is limited, any viewer who already has a NEAR wallet will be able to watch the dramatic reading.

We believe that with this action we will bring a first experience in the metaverse to many viewers and we will be able to use the great potential of the NEAR Hub for live performances and, who knows, in the future we will think of ways to monetize the tickets.

We will also be able to diversify the forms of actions and use of Dapps and carry out a practical demonstration to the public of one of the infinite possibilities of application of the resources offered by the NEAR ecosystem.

September, 19th at Octuber, 12th — Process of researching and writing the text.
Octuber, 15th — Performing the dramatic reading broadcast on the NEAR Hub.
October 17th — Final report post on forum.

200 USD in NEAR/DAI for writing the text ($100 x 2 playwrights to @eliaspintanel and @johnfaus).
160 USD in NEAR/DAI to actors from the dramatic reading ($40 x 4 actors).
20 USD in NEAR/DAI to perform the live broadcast.
40 USD in NEAR/DAI to rent the GARAGE – Espaço de Cultura.
80 USD in NEAR/DAI to create a NEAR viewer wallet (20x 1NEAR).


Final Products

  1. Writing of a theater text inspired by the work of a renowned Brazilian author;
  2. Transmission of the dramatic reading of the text exclusively through the NEAR Hub.

Additional benefits

  • Stimulate the development of theatrical writing as a literary genre within the guild, publicizing the guild’s initiatives to other audiences.
  • Foster dramaturgy produced in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil;
  • Contribute to the strengthening and dissemination of the NEAR ecosystem and, mainly, the Writers’ Guild through online initiatives;
  • Use and dissemination of the NEAR Hub, one of the tools for creative productions as available on the web3.
  • Creation of 20 NEAR wallets.

P.s: I restructured the project, so that it could be made viable and contribute more to the ecosystem, making better use of its Dapps and, consequently, promoting the ecosystem more.


Thank you for your detailed proposal!


Hi, AshleyC! Thanks for the feedback! Hope you like it. If you need anything, I’m at your disposal!! :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

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Hey! To accommodate an exciting variety of proposals this month and ensure we do not have to reject proposals, the Writer’s Guild Council is asking proponents to please modify their proposals to fit within a maximum budget of $500 USD in DAI.

We are asking proponents with budgets in excess of $500 USD to either reduce the scope of their project, or to shift a stage of their project into a separate proposal to be made for October. By splitting larger proposals across two months, we aim to continue to support projects with larger scopes.

We will need you to edit your proposal to reflect this shift before we finalize our September Budget.


Hi, AshleyC! How are you? As requested, I changed the proposal’s budget to be compatible with the Guild’s! I think it’s cool to be able to contribute to the greatest number of projects happening! If you need anything else I’m available! :upside_down_face:

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Hello guys!
All right with you?

I am sending the final report of our literary creation project below. It was a great writing challenge to make a free theatrical adaptation based on the work of Murilo Rubião and surrealist painters, but we are very happy to have completed this project with the support of the NEAR Writer’s Guild, and with the result obtained.

First I would like to apologize for the delay in the schedule that ran, mainly due to the delay in the approval of projects, but also influenced by the difficulty in creating the portfolio of the spectators of the dramatic reading (below we will talk a little more about this).

Secondly, I want to thank the NEAR Writer’s Guild advisors immensely for believing in the potential of the project and for their struggle to keep the Guild’s activities going and, consequently, for having advocated the realization of this project. Thank you so much for that!

We have divided the report into topics to make it more pleasant for you to read. So let’s go!

Textual Adaptation Process

We started this process with an intense routine of reading Murilo Rubião’s literary work, to gather stories, characters and situations that could give us the basis for the elaboration of a narrative. We still didn’t know exactly what we were looking for, but we let the imagination run its course during the meetings we held to discuss what we had read. But we managed to create some structures that would guide us.
After that period, @eliaspintanel started writing some scenes, from the most latent provocations in us, thus giving a guiding thread for the story that I started to complement. Elias brought numerous images of surrealist paintings, which ended up having some elements materialized as suggestions for scenographic resources and costumes, but with great importance for the narrative as a whole.
As the work gained more body, new ideas emerged and we began to better understand the paths we wanted to give to the plot, which became something that made us very excited with the amount of narrative images and their different interpretations. In this process, we also managed to name the text, which is called “The fall of Jabaculê”, which was chosen from what we consider central in the story: a city populated by magical inhabitants, but which suffers from the exploitation of an entrepreneur who decides to build an infinite building.
Although the time for the literary production was short, we managed to write a text of approximately 50 pages (something quite extensive for the theater), which as you can see in the online transmission results in approximately 100 minutes.

Below we leave some of the surrealist works used as a reference for the textual construction:



Dramatic Reading

As a conclusion of the writing process, we held a dramatic reading at the GARAGE – Espaço de Cultura, on September 24, with an audience of approximately 6 people.
Unfortunately, we had some issues migrating our space from Mozilla Hubs to NEAR Hub. Although we got in touch with one of the NEAR Hub coordinators and he gave some instructions, when we went to carry out the process it was not effective. Something by the way that we think there should be somewhere a more accessible documentation or tutorial (if anyone has it, I would really appreciate it if you could share it with us!).
In this way, the reading ended up taking place with an online broadcast on the Mozilla Hub and on Youtube, which reached 7 more viewers. As the exclusive broadcast on the NEAR Hub would no longer take place, an action that would contribute to encouraging the creation of NEAR wallets, we decided to disclose that we would give viewers, online and in person) an NFT of the event’s publicity art and, in this way, we would be able to create some wallets . Below I leave the publicity art of the event and the NFT that we created to distribute to the participants:

Event publicity art:


NFT of the dramatic reading:

Creation of new NEAR Wallets

We send all viewers some links to our NEAR Drop campaign. Approximately 15 links were delivered, however, only 04 wallets were created so far. Below are the respective addresses of the created wallets:

  1. garagespacodecultura.near
  2. henriske.near
  3. giovannahernandes.near
  4. alvaroxxxantonio.near

We will wait a few more days and try to contact the viewers again, to try to create some more wallets. If we succeed, we will update this report to complement the information. At the end of this period, we will finalize the NEAR Drop campaign and reserve the money for new actions.

Below I leave the print of the campaign open on NEAR Drop:


We would also like to say that we find it difficult to get people interested in creating their wallets, some even because they are not very skilled with computerized equipment. In this way, for the next actions, we will outline more realistic goals or approaches that engage people more. We are learning and looking for ways to show people how interesting and useful the apps developed within NEAR are.

Results and actions achieved

  • Production of a dramatic text with 50 pages, called “The fall of Jabaculê”;
  • Realization of a dramatic reading in person, with online transmission in the space of Notívagos in the Mozilla Hub and on the Youtube channel;
  • Creation of 04 NEAR wallets;
  • Mintage and distribution of an event-exclusive NFT.

Project links, photos and images

Live broadcast:

Dramatic Reading | The fall of Jabaculê | part 1:

Dramatic Reading | The fall of Jabaculê | part 2:




Thank you again for all the support and encouragement to carry out this project! I hope the report is satisfactory and I remain at your disposal for any questions you may have.
