[PROPOSAL] First Visual Arts at Plantasia Lx // Creatives DAO

Hello, CreativesDAO, we would like to present our project in the link below and also request complementary funds for it.


As you may know all the performances will be streamed on Twitch + CryptoVoxels. Many visual artists showed interest in collaborating with us and getting to know more about the ecosystem. We deeply believe in intersectionality in all fields so the more aesthetics and voices, the merrier. Therefore, we would like to invite 13 different visual artists to work with us.

Our project will last three months and every week a different artist will work on our streaming background with the use of green screen. By the end of each DJ set we will work with them to generate a different NFT based on the art displayed.

At the end of each month we would like to host an exhibition at Crypto Voxels in partnership with Bittrees gallery spaces as well as one exhibition IRL, at the VanDAO studio with prints for sale. We will print 3 copies of each NFT and one of them will be reserved for a give away for the NEAR community.
We would also invite an artist to paint the exterior of the studio during the first exhibition event, this way completing our 13 artists invitation project.

The NFTs will be available at our mintbase gallery and for each sale the total revenue will be equally split between the artist, a different social cause and Plantasia’s staff.

By the end of the project we will have in total 3 exhibitions IRL and 3 at Crypto Voxels, 12 NFTs, 36 prints of the NFTs, 13 new wallets and 1 live painting.
All artists are interested in creating a wallet and therefore they will be paid in NEAR/DAI.

Visual Artists fee: 690 $

Material costs for painting: 120 $

NFT fine art prints (4 NFTs, three copies each): 480 $

Production ( 1 event IRL, 1 at CryptoVoxels and minting): 535 $

Total amount of funds: 1825 $

Thank you for supporting the cultural scene! Any doubts, just talk to us.


Hello friends. Always good to see more and more spaces and collectives from Lisbon joining the community.
creatives at the moment only supports DAO’s and GUILDS through monthly funding. In this case, I realize that you are already asking VanDAO for funds (which needs to include this proposal in their monthly fund), so you can also try to find other DAO’s interested in complementing this request by assuming part of the funds in your own monthly proposals.
We have a meeting every Monday with the creative community where you can promote your project and try these partnerships. Join the group on telegram.


Hey Everton, tudo?

Thanks for your kind reply, the tips and your support.

I’m asking for Creatives DAO this funding, but I guess this got a bit confusing because of the title (or did I tagged it wrongly?). I will break this proposal into a monthly one.

Thank you so much!

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Hello =)

So, to submit a monthly proposal to the creatives you need be a DAO and follow the guidelines. Check here some examples:


Hello Everton! Thanks for helping us out. We were wondering if we could submit it right before creating our DAO and we were told that we could add a request for the fundings to its creation. Do you recommend editing this post like this?

Olá amigos, vou tomar a liberdade de respondê-los em português:

é importante ter a DAO antes de pedir financiamento porque essa é uma das regras: o Creatives DAO financia apenas DAO’s e Guilds. Então, feito isso, estabelecida a DAO com o um quadro de membros, criem um post de introdução da DAO de vocês, como esse exemplo abaixo:

e por fim, acho importante criar uma nova proposta (que deixo exemplos abaixo também). Deixemos esse post aqui como histórico dessa conversa =)

Lembrem-se que pro primeiro pedido de financiamento o limite Ă© de 2.000 USD.


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Obrigada, Heverton! Vi os links, mas ainda tenho uma dúvida. É possível fazer o pedido de financiamento da criaçao da DAO para o creatives junto a ess proposta?

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É sim, mas me permita explicar em outros termos:

Quando eu digo ter uma DAO, eu me refiro a ter um coletivo organizado já com esse objetivo. Vocês podem já determinar os membros do concelho desta DAO, um grupo no telegram para construir a comunidade em torno da área de atuação da DAO de vocês e publicar tudo isso num post de Introdução (como os exemplos que eu mandei).

A partir daí, na proposta de vocês vocês podem sim pedir fundos para a criação da ASTRO de vocês (essa página onde vocês iram gerir os fundos da DAO, os payouts, as enquetes, etc). Existe um custo de 5N para a criação disso que, sim, se vocês precisarem vocês podem pedir no primeiro proposal.

Vocês podem se inteirar mais sobre tudo isso no nosso grupo público de criativos e participando de nossas reuniões abertas toda segunda feira as 20h (horário de Lisboa).


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Perfeito, querido! Já temos um grupo, uma lista de atividades e um council. Estaremos lá às 20h! Obrigada!

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Boa, então avancem para o post de introdução da DAO =)