[APPROVED] FEMINU DAO Marketing Monthly Financing / June 22

Hi @Ghini thanks for your proposal.

Could you add links please?


Is there any information/links about the upcoming June event you are planning? If so, it would be helpful to see that.

Do you have any metrics or findings around people onboarded into the NEAR ecosystem through the Feminu project so far?



Dear @Ghini looking forward to seeing response. Thank You very much…


@Dacha good morning, sorry for the delay in replies here. I had health problems and death in the family, which accumulated my work inevitably, especially considering that this week @Natashacremonese is away at an art festival where the internet signal is very bad, so she is practically off which is very rare in her life. So, I was not able to promptly answer all the questions I had with FEMINU, including Creatives that are now solved, now all that remains is to answer here for you. Later today I will have a meeting with the marketing team to be able to answer more properly. I thank you in advance for your understanding and again I apologize.
@so608 @cryptocredit @Klint


@Dacha, good night!

Videos (4) posting and editing on YouTube:

  • Workshop on Portfolio Assembly and the importance of USE
  • Interview and Chat with a Non-Binary person, to talk about the theme combat against Violence and non-binarism
  • Statements from FEMINU artists
  • Video of FEMINU DAO Manifesto (en)

EDITIONS - at least 20 ( instagram, twitter, Youtube)
PARTICIPATION IN MEETINGS AS BILINGUAL MEDIATOR - already done 2 Creatives meeting and 1 half hour with @Cryptonaut and at least 2 more

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Good night!
FEMINU (Feminine NFTs Universe) has been supported by the NEAR community since the first exhibition that took 300 people to the cryptovoxels metaverse on the opening day, represented more than 60 mints because it had several artists who minted several works in the Gambiarra store that was where the FEMINU project was born, besides buying 60N in works in the onboarding movement.
All of FEMINU’s achievements since when it was born as an exhibition have been inclusive and furthermore, many artists who participated in the FEMINU exhibition, joined Near and went on to perform various activities that are also inclusive, in other words, FEMINU has triggered a number of ramifications within the network. Just to mention a few of these names: @ritamaria, @BiaVictal, @naju, @Mayramendes, @fly, @palomak, @LulucaL, @amandalealart, @AndreaSechini @l3v1at4.

As I launch International FEMINU I will be receiving over 120 portfolio s, which is our goal, in order to curate this huge exhibition which will entail at least 120 mints and a lot of interaction on social networks by the artists themselves.

We are going to do do onboarding for the International FEMINU. Here is the link to the Onboarding project of 60 artists for the exhibition that will be done by @mayramendes and @ritamaria as proposed below:

In only one and a half months of the store’s existence, we achieved 49 minters with 1675 mints!!! Astonishingly high interaction!!! Don’t you think? Especially considering the very short time of the store and the DAO.



Hi @cryptocredit , good night! Here they are:





What amazing news, @Ghini! I am very happy with the achievement numbers. Impressive! Actually, with all the effort done by you, @Natashacremonese, and all the impressive artworks of the artists I believe that you can do much more.
Congratulations! :revolving_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :clap: :clap: :clap:



@Mayramendes Thank you Mayra, we are so proud of all of you! :sunflower: :butterfly: :heart:


I believe this is just one more step in the growth of the DAO and the platform, these are incredible accomplishments and it’s just the beginning!


Long life to Feminu! :hugs:


Thanks for the additional information and answering the questions from the council. Can you update us on timing of the June event with 120 artists given the current situation as we’re nearing the end of the month? Is that plan still in the works? If so when do you plan to do that? Thanks!


@so608 Thanks for asking!!! The event was not planned for June. June we planned to launch the submission forms. last month we postponed because there was an exausting chat in the forum with the approval comming at the end of the month and there is no way to launch an exhibition of this magnitude with no marketing, now this month we have the same problem. Sorry but I will have to ask you all @marketingdao-council : do you think it is possible? do you think we can set goals without knowing whether or not we will have a marketing incentive? Do you think we shall stop writing proposals for Marketing Dao? After causing the delay in the FEMINU DAO roadmapping for the second month in a row, how can you ask me if the plan is still in the works? Our marketing is working with the other events the DAO is promoting but it’s impossible do realize the Internatinal FEMINU project with this level of incertainty.

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Thanks dear :heart: for the support


Thank you so much dear @Naju or your words!

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HI Ghini,

Thanks for providing this information. Given the current metrics and growth of artists, I am happy to support this proposal. A few important things to note:

  • We are not able to support projects long term. As you gain traction, I would encourage you to think of alternative funding avenues to support work.
  • There has been a significant drop in funding levels due to market conditions. However, we do not want to let the communities that have been developing for months die. This does mean that we expect these communities to help us do the heavy lifting now - maximise value for every dollar and get us closer to 1 Billion users.

Kindly look back at some of my fellow Council members questions, some may still be waiting on info to decide.


@satojandro I apologize at first for my delay in responding. It was due to a small health problem that prevented me from dealing with all my duties, but this weekend I will work twice as hard and I will certainly catch up on everything.
Next I would like to thank you very much for your input because I was really mistaken about how the pre-project of the International FEMINU Exhibition and the participation of marketing with the approvals would unfold. Now I know that it is not possible to apply for incentives for a project that will require several months of work. Sorry!
We will organize ourselves in another way so that we will not complain with no reason again. I believe that all the difficulties we have been facing and that sometimes lead me to complain and wrongly demand a position from both Marketing and Creatives, have a very positive side, which is to launch us in the search for alternatives for International FEMINU, which will certainly help us to start a path of sustainability for our DAO. I am grateful for that. And I fully understand now that I was misunderstanding how Marketing works.
It will not happen anymore.
About the questions I guess I need to position @so608 in relation to the date that will be made the International FEMINU, what in fact I did not answer because I still do not have the exact date, but it must be before the end of the year, for sure. I hope to have the date by the end of next month, but we will proceed with the onborading project regardless of whether we need to postpone the release or not.
I really appreciate the support for this month’s proposals, which involve many new artists at Near. The group has been working regardless of approval and the artists are excited about the projects.
Have a great weekend.

This is part of why I am still struggling with this proposal – since the origination of the project, it seems that the perspective from the proposing team is that the Marketing DAO is responsible for automatically approving your funding request and that we are responsible for negatively impacting your roadmap and timeline.

I do not think communicating with us in this manner is a productive way to collaborate and move your project forward.

We have operational procedures in place for a reason – we need time to ask questions, get feedback and understand what we are funding. It is irresponsible to approve the Community’s funds for projects we do not fully understand or when there are still outstanding questions.

If your project cannot accommodate the operations we have in place, then the Marketing DAO may not be your best avenue for funding going forward.

My comments are not meant to be harsh or personal, but giving you my honest reaction to reviewing this entire thread again and also previous commentary on the forum.


@so608 Lorraine, I already externed my apologise for having misunderstanding the way Marketing DAO function, so I repeat to you, kindly that I am very sorry for this mistake and the way I answered you and the other councils. It’s really difficult to have all those artists waiting for this opportunity and I was very sorry for them. My disappointment is my responsability, and no one else’s. After @satojandro’s answer I finally got it. I was wrongly judging an attitude that couldn’t be waited from the group because it is not the way I thougth that it is. All my team will be suffering the consequences of my mistake if you do not approve the proposal, because they don’t stop working. They are a great team. Please accept my appologies. You are right and I have no problem to admit thatI was completely wrong in all my reasoning. That will not happen again.

Thanks @ghini for your reply – I think that given your commitment to artists and collaborators for the work underway, we should fund this for another month and then proceed after that based on results. I am moving this to approved.

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