[PROPOSAL] Dandelions and Honeybees IRL Pollinator Sanctuary Funding Request, June 2022

[Proposal] Dandelions and Honeybees IRL Pollinator Sanctuary

Sub Proposal Funding Request: $650

Progress is already happening:

We are excited to announce that we will be leasing β…› acre on Soul Flower Farm, joining a small community of sustainable land stewards. Dandelions and Honeybees will cultivate the land with the intention of creating a pollinator sanctuary, herb farm and food forest. We will also begin a beekeeping apprenticeship in June. We will create and sell value added products with the herbs we grow and with the honey, propolis and beeswax harvested. Our offerings will be available for purchase in our Pollen Nation Hive Bee Market and in real life. This is a unique situation where we will be working in collaboration with experienced farmers who have successfully cultivated the land for over 12 years.

Our goal is to generate income by growing herbs and creating value added products, i.e. medicinal teas and herbal products, holistic healing tutorials and creating unique visual content for NFTs. We aim to stream a series of tutorials that demonstrate sustainable living both in home and garden that will be streamed in our Pollen Nation metaverse. Our vision is to invite other sustainability activists to share their work in the Pollen Nation Metaverse, as we host a collection of pollinator sanctuary streams from across the Earth and inspire more people to practice sustainability in home and garden.

Budget: $650 in USN
$250: Land lease
$130: Bee Suit
$120: Weed Wacker
$100: Starts
$50: Compost

We will be signing the lease for our plot this week. We will purchase the bee suit and other items mentioned once we receive the funding. In the mean time, we will borrow tools to prepare the land for cultivation. While we are on the land, we will document the process with video and photos.


This is amazing!!! :slight_smile:

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Thank you @adrianseneca! Would love for you to come through some time! It’s in the East Bay. Many hands make light work :slightly_smiling_face:
I hope all is well with you!

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