[Proposal] [Bounty] My Fave Place

Wenstenschouden, Holland

This place makes me feel both the vast abundance of the sea and the barrenness of the sand. Abundance with the sea, aridity with the sand… This is such a place. Vast water on one hand, thirst on the other…
I love this place because the beach is so clean and safe it reminds me of freedom.
If you watch the sunset from here, you will understand what I mean. You can also do water sports here.


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My Favorite place: Cologne Cathedral/ Germany

One of the reasons I love Cologne cathedral is my love for the magnificent acoustic and gothic architecture inside. Another element that I like compared to other churches in Europe is the fine workmanship on the outside and the stained glass paintings on the windows and the sculptures inside the cloisters.

Near Wallet: urukhai.near

Taj Mahal Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India

Anyone who sees the Taj Mahal will never forget this place. This building, which is the architectural reflection of a romantic love story, contains elements from Turkish, Islamic, Hindu and Iranian architecture.
Described as “a teardrop on the face of eternity” by the famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, this magnificent building was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Cihan in memory of his wife Ercumend Banu Begum Mahal. The death of his beloved wife caused Shah Cihan to be very upset. This sadness has revealed one of the most beautiful structures in the world. The Shah’s wife, Mumtaz Mahal, achieved immortality thanks to this work.


My fav Place: Hagia Sophia(Istanbul)

One of the reasons I love Hagia Sophia, which has become the symbol of Istanbul, which was built 3 times in its history, is its magnificent size and detailed embroidery on its dome. The place, which is accepted as the starting point of the Orthodox belief, was taken over by the Ottoman Empire after the collapse of the Eastern Roman Empire and turned into a mosque. Christian icons and inscriptions from the mosque period have always attracted my attention in this authentic environment.

Wallet: bazer08.near

O local é praça da Republica centro de São Paulo.

Centro de São Paulo é um dos lugares que mais gosto, é onde você pode encontrar todas as tribos, onde você encontra de tudo e que tambem traz uma beleza histórica muito linda.



“My Fave Place” - Copacabana :heartbeat: Rio de Janeiro - Photo: Alexandre Macieira
Special photo to participate in the Gambiarra DAO’s " Bounty - My Fave Place" call for proposals from @michanascimento and @Isa_Danoninho :facepunch: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thanks for the opportunity! Copacabana Beach in the City of Rio de Janeiro is my favorite place because it is the stage of major events and celebrations such as New Year’s Eve, where I worked for several consecutive years, and also photographing major concerts and events such as the Olympics and the Soccer World Cup, which provided many emotions to the public that usually frequent the place. Photographer Alexandre Macieira’s image | www.alexandremacieira.com.br (NFT JPEG high quality)


Wallet: macieira.near


Obrigada!!! Tem uma pessoa que faz bolhas enormes de sabão! foi difícil registrar essa rs

Que demais! Eu nasci em São Luis! Em 2017 visitei a cidade com meu pai e ele me disse que estudou num convento no centro histórico nos anos 60 e fugia sempre no carnaval…ele me mostrou as janelas super altas! Fui muito legal…ele me mostrou onde nasci…onde me levava…minha família se mudou de São Luis quando eu tinha 1 ano de idade…foi muito bom conhecer minha cidade! Voltarei a visitar!

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Que legar a sua memória! A escola que seu pai estudou, deve ser o Convento das Mercês, com a referência que tu deu, só deve ser lá. É isso, São Luís é muito bacana e quando puder apareça.

Hello, how are you?

Where is the link to your mint work and your post in the social midia please ?

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oops, thank you for your comment!:pray:t2: I edited it)

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This is my favorite place also the memorable one
I love this place because its so refreshing and eco friendly resort
Many tourist visit this place to saw a beautiful water falls of guintobdan and i proud shout my lovely place whwre i belong.
Near wallet : eyesore.near

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hey @michanascimento this bounty is closed. when will announcement winners?


Lista dos selecionados para Bounty My Fave Place


A curadoria leva em consideração a veracidade da foto, pois a intenção do Bounty é o artista compartilhar uma fotografia que ele mesmo tirou do seu lugar favorito em sua cidade e descrevê-lo do porquê ser o favorito e tornar a foto, o texto e a interação entre os membros mais íntima.

E também seguir as regras de publicar em alguma rede social (twitter e\ou instagram)

Informar cidade e país.

Texto descritivo do porquê ser o lugar favorito.

Não sair do tema.


1 - yonakawaii.near @yonakawaii
2 - lovelysugar.near @Sugar
3 - cleusaraven.near @cleusaraven
4 - luluca_l.near @LulucaL
5 - marcospalhano.near @MarcosPalhano
6 - karipontes.near @Karipontes
7 - beetle-juice.near @beetlejuice
8 - macieira.near @macieira
9 - dazo.near @Dazo
10 - thirdside.near @thirdside

Obrigado a todos os 33 participantes, o bounty teve seu objetivo concluído onde teve interação entre membros da comunidade, além de cada participante compartilhar um pouco mais de si mesmo.

Faremos o pagamento após a DAO receber a verba e avisaremos a data de pagamento e da exposição por aqui.

List of selected people for Bounty My Fave Place


The curation takes into consideration the veracity of the photo, because the intention of Bounty is for the artist to share a photo that he himself took of his favorite place in his city and describe it of why it is a favorite and make the photo, the text and the interaction between the members more intimate.

And also follow the rules of posting on some social network (twitter and or instagram)
Inform city and country.
Text describing why it is your favorite place.
Do not go off topic.


1 - yonakawaii.near @yonakawaii
2 - lovelysugar.near @Sugar
3 - cleusaraven.near @cleusaraven
4 - luluca_l.near @LulucaL
5 - marcospalhano.near @MarcosPalhano
6 - karipontes.near @Karipontes
7 - beetle-juice.near @beetlejuice
8 - macieira.near @macieira
9 - dazo.near @Dazo
10 - thirdside.near @thirdside

Thanks to all 33 participants, the bounty had its goal completed where there was interaction between members of the community, and each participant shared a little more of themselves.

We will make the payment after the DAO receives the money and we will inform the date of payment and exhibition here.


It took a long time to sum up.


It was a pleasure to participate in this bounty @michanascimento and @isadanoninho. Beautiful places and memories shared by the participants.


Very nice the connection my photography provided. I really enjoyed being able to participate, thank you!


Yeahssss :raised_hands::star_struck: obrigadae gente :v::sunglasses:

Obra mintada https://www.mintbase.io/thing/9LH-L3VBq6sqOiMljnsGJ0zLdepolngNEj_QaG0Ymao:voiceoftheoceans.mintbase1.near



genteeee, brigadaaa, eu e a praça agradecemos <3