[Proposal] Aurora dust - tap social game 📱

Aurora dust



Clicker game in Telegram. Collect space dust, and convert it to on-chain dust tokens. Invite friends, improve upgrades, tap, tap and tap

How the clicker game can help grow the community

Clicker social mechanics help grow the community by rewarding users for their engagement with tasks, competitions, and shares. This encourages users to interact with each other and foster a sense of belonging within the community

Early design

to be added

Coins drop from top or generated in air by tap. UI structure close to another clickers. Background and vacuum cleaner skins can be changed

Similar projects

  • Notcoin - 25M players, 6.2M in the Telegram channel and 1.7M in Twitter

  • @ herewallet 3.5M players, 1.2M in TG channel and 0.6M in Twitter

  • @ wmclick_bot 0.6M Users, 0.3M in the Telegram channel (@ tonarbuz) and 0.04M in Twitter

Why is it important

The audience for blockchain is important. A clicker is a good way to attract a large number of people to the blockchain through a game

Game mechanics

  • Dust - collect dust that can be converted into real tokens
  • Click - Clicking in the middle of the game has little effect on the number of coins, so your finger will not get tired, you can only occasionally enter the game to collect dust from the bag



  • All chats related to NEAR and Aurora Network, as well as friendly chats
  • External communities


The audience coverage is wide, so support for several languages is planned. Initially English and Russian, the rest in order of popularity among the audience


Creating an application that will bring at least 100K users to the ecosystem

Public statistics

To track statistics, the dashboard in Grafana will be publicly available

Tech stack

  • Bot and API - TypeScript, GraphQL, GraphiQL, Redis, MongoDB
  • Web App - TypeScript, React, MUI, MOBX
  • Monitoring - VictoriaMetrics, Loki, Tempo, Grafana
  • Servers - VPS, Ubuntu, S3 for backups, NGINX, Traefik and some bash
  • Design and Art - Figma, Neural Networks like ChatGPT and Fusionbrain


MVP development started


Ivan Kotelnikov

Experience: developer relations at the Everscale network and Mina Foundation

Expand team

Not required at such an early stage. However, my experience of managing a small team of three people allows me to feel what to do if the project starts to grow fast


  • Early version
    • Minimum version of the application - you can play, collect coins, buy boosts
    • Boost system - enough coins, fun to play
    • Social mechanics - sharing, inviting friends, referrals
    • Marketing activities in own group among early adopters
  • Full version
    • Tasks for receiving coins - subscriptions, adding to groups
    • Complex social mechanics - groups
    • Rating
    • Skins
    • First external marketing activities
  • Contests and promotion
    • Work with influences
    • Contests
    • Tasks for receiving coins by interacting with other projects - NFT minting, registrations, etc.
    • Integration with Aurora PASS
  • Token
    • Release of the on-chain token
    • DEX integration
    • Listing

What type of support is needed


Our goal is to utilize the marketing expertise and community-building abilities of Aurora Labs to increase our presence in the blockchain gaming industry. By tapping into their established networks, we aim to attract and keep players, ultimately expanding our user base

Integration with projects

The Aurora team can help us communicate and integrate with projects by providing clear and consistent communication throughout the entire process. They can keep all team members informed about project updates, deadlines and expectations, helping to ensure that everyone is on the same page


$5,000 monthly on “Early version” and “Full version” stages for development
Wallet: qwadratic.tg


  • Early version - 100% development
  • Full version - 80% development and 20% marketing
  • Contests and promotion - 70% marketing minimum
  • Token - N/A. Ready to say after previous steps

Unexpected expenses

Since the game involves a larger number of online users, quite powerful servers may be required at any time. This might be a problem. I will keep some funds from the grant amount for possible need to buy more capacity, but I think it is fair to ask for the grant to cover these costs if necessary


@ qwadratic at Telegram

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Scam. Copy of my original project that canceled [Proposal] Aurora dust [CANCELED, CANCELED CANCELED!]

This is reason why i leave from ACD and denny grant. There is not a single completed project, scam, and continuous asking for money when you already have it - read the comment

I think @Luchok mush be suspended from any activities in NEAR

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Your original proposal - [Proposal] Aurora dust was approved and was included in our general [Proposal to HoM] AC-DAO: NDC V1 JUN Budget Application.

For what reason did you decide to give up your proposal?

@nkgreeg, Hello!

Your original proposal - [Proposal] Aurora dust.

Before explaining the situation, I want to make it clear that there are 2 people present in your team:

  1. @nkgreeg - Developer | Telegram Contact
  2. @qwadratic - The person who has KYC in your team | Telegram Contact

Last night you (@nkgreeg) informed me that you will not be participating in the development and will not be receiving any funding for your project - Aurora Dust, because you saw that our vote on ASTRA++ to receive funding from the Trust for our proposal was rejected, I further explained to you that the money would be paid from our DAO funds, which you also did not agree to.

So I contacted your team member and asked him if he could continue to work on the development without you, he said yes and as you deleted the proposal I asked him to re-post your proposal on the NEAR Forum.

This morning I saw that you have re-posted your proposal but declared it cancelled, can you please answer me a few questions:

  1. Why did you feel your proposal was cancelled when it is included in our general [Proposal to HoM] AC-DAO: NDC V1 JUN Budget Application?
  2. Will you go back to @qwadratic to get funding for your project and implement the development?
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Our vote on ASTRA++ to receive funding from the Trust for our proposal was rejected, I further explained to you that the money would be paid from our DAO funds, which you also did not agree to.

I have $100 to buy sneakers. I know for sure that they cost $100. Instead of going to buy, I go to ask my father for money. Am I treating my father well if I do this?

In the role of $100 - a request for the allocation of money. In the role of father is the superior DAO. Therefore, there is an unambiguous understanding of the relationship to a higher dao, like an ATM. First :red_circle:


So I contacted your team member

Lie. I have no team member. He even didn’t know what i want to do. I just add @qwadratic because I live in Russia, and for successful verification a person was needed who did not live in Russia. You can chech my post and see that i add @qwadratic not in first edition. @Luchok knew this very well, but he agreed. Moreover, he himself proposed this scheme. Second :red_circle:


And they try to stole my idea here. Third :red_circle:


He come to chat @w3voice where was I too. And ask everybody to submit any applications to any people to receive the next grant. It doesn’t matter who, like @ilyar, @tontake and @qwadratic . Check the list.

Three of 5 proposals (one declined) created from people from chat. One of them Elemental game is looser of Venom hackaton. If you want to make strog community what you can do? Choose affiliated with you losers! And I know attitude towards spending money among such losers - then you can go somewhere else and get another grant. Fourth :red_circle:


The community does not have a single project in production yet. Fifth :red_circle:


I think this is enought to view my position and consider my proposal for removal. It’s my mistake that I didn’t see this right away, because treating people well sometimes blinds me. I ask that you no longer associate me with this community

I don’t think you really understand how the process of getting funding works. We can’t just allocate money from our budget. First, our proposal has to be voted on.

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No. You cant know what I understand or not because you cant read minds. If you can, say what number i think from 0 to 100000

Only facts for child 10 y.o.

Therefore, if this proposal will be approve, we will not request money from the Trust, but will spend the available funds in the AC-DAO treasury

  • Again. if proposal approve, we will spend the available funds in the AC-DAO treasury
  • Once again. proposal approve > spend AC-DAO
  • Proposal rejected
  • Proposal rejected > you must not spend AC-DAO

But you want!

And that’s not a problem. I just wanted to leave for the first time. When I refused grant, you started asking me to change my mind, because it breaks your scheme. Ask me join to scam. This is not my rules

We have not requested new funds. We were requesting authorization to spend current funds.

I also wrote to you on Telegram to help you with this situation. But you decided not to respond to me.