[CLOSED] Poker on NEAR 2023

                                                      "Proposal POKER on NEAR"

Hello everybody.
At the moment, poker is one of the most recognizable and demanded games in the world.

Many blockchains have their own poker groups. We have already held poker with the participation of the Aurora community. This tournament allowed attracting new users to Aurora and additional transactions within the Aurora network with Aurora tokens.
Now we want to do this in near​:blush:

Our offer will solve the following problems: community activity, frequent transactions, , your poker chat and your poker community,attracting new people, developing the ecosystem.

In the first month, it is planned to create a telegram bot for registrations, which will allow you to fight bots and abusers. It is planned to hold 2 tournaments a week. There are free community tournaments on Tuesday and Saturday. The free tournament implies free entry and registration, the prize fund is from us.

In the second month, it is planned to hold paid and free tournaments. Paid tournaments will include a paid entry of a participant, for example, 10 Aurora tokens. All collected tokens during registration will be divided into a prize pool among the winners, additionally we will add from 10 to 30% of the tokens from the prize pool.

Once a month it is planned to hold a major tournament, the winner receives the role of the king of poker in the telegram channel for a whole month, which will allow him to participate in paid poker tournaments for free for a whole month.

In the 3rd month, with an active poker community, we plan to make NFT awards of a limited number and different levels. The NFT data will give you the opportunity to receive additional rewards and a discount upon registration. You can watch the activity of other poker channels and make sure that this is great marketing for Aurora.

The expected metric for 1 month is 100 participants in the telegram channel.

The requested amount: $ 500 for the development of a bot for contests and tournaments, $ 1200 for free tournament awards. $500 marketing to attract participants from other poker chats and blockchains. The salary of moderators is $ 800 per month. Total amount: $3,000

Ask questions and I’ll be happy to answer them, as well as to contact me and confirm my identity, I am ready to provide information.Thank you for attention.:slightly_smiling_face::mailbox_with_mail:.


Hello.It would be a good idea, I know friends who like to play poker


Thank you for your proposal. Could you please fill out the form Form Marketing DAO Proposal Application ?


Hi @Vanya thanks for the proposal. I’ll also review your submission via the form, but for visibility on the forum, can you share:

  • Is this a new telegram channel you’re planning to create?
  • Re: the work you’ve done in the Aurora community, do you have a report of metrics around that project?
  • Note that funding for moderators is currently out of scope for the MarketingDAO.

See the current guidelines here:


Hello, the chat has already been created and there are already participants, as well as those who want to play poker

Thank you Vanya,

Please note that under the latest guidelines we are unable to fund:

  • Contests and Tournaments
  • Prizes and Giveaways
  • Moderators for Social Media

As the three categories above comprise most of the funds requested, I would invite the team to consider whether the proposal would still be viable.

Assuming that some of the outstanding issues with the budget above can be solved, I have few questions:

  1. Where are the poker tournaments taking place? Is it in-person or online? Web2 or Web3? etc.
  2. Can you share the link to the Telegram group.
  3. Can you provide more details on how the poker group can drive more transactions on-chain?


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Hello, due to some error, I can not send you a link and screenshot to an example of work​:disappointed_relieved:.

I’m not seeing your application submitted via the application form Dacha shared above. That would allow you to share more links so we can review. I’m holding off making a decision on this while we do not have a form submitted and there are still outstanding questions and information requests.


This is a new project at the stage of development and conception.I will try to fill in the form with everything that I have

Thank you for clarifying that the project is still in development and conception stage.

As we are refining our proceses to ensure that all proposals can be assessed within 14 days of application, I will be changing the status of the proposal to closed.

Feel free to submit a new proposal along with the form when the team is ready. Good luck!